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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • i wouldnt necessarily say that, there are times oems double ram capacity compared to their typical value on laptop, its just less common today than it used to because nvidia tax.

    take for example back over a decade ago with maxwell, desktop 750tis on desktop were usually 2gb vram cards, even 1gb. on mobile, 860m/960m(the laptop equivalent) often had 4 gb vram varients. Laptop ram though will be clocked more conservatively.

  • because its based on a curve. laptops have maybe 85% of the performance their desktop counterpart has, becauae that last 15% of performance is not power efficient.

    you are also disregarding one MAJOR factor when comparing desktop and laptop gpus, noise.

    laptop gpus, especially high end ones can sound like jet engines. large desktop gpus are large to minimalize noise it makes.

    e. g my 7700S in my framework 16 can sound like a jet engine, the desktop equivalent of that, which is a 7600, is ridiculously power efficient and barely will make a noise because of the heatsink/die size ratio.

  • andoid and ios basically have the flaw of having a centralized location for downloads, and is subject to those rules because its centralized and the majority use it.

    cant treat it that way on computers as much because how people install programs on computers are completely different than on mobile (more likely downloading it through web, or a different client on the web to download something, linux users are usually more technically inclined to hop distros or add their own download repositories if they didnt want to download software in their main native storefront)

  • im not saying that we dont export more than cuba (i mean given population size, thats to be expected), its just that what yhey can supply for theirselves internally is enough to sustain their own use, at worst, their exports are worse, but they arent just competing against thr U. S in terms of exports so thats more or less moot point, given Brazil on its own is larger and a reasonable distance.

    the U.S would have to shift a significant portion of its rice specifically to Cuba if it wanted to disrupt prices there, and that considers that rice is the main carb they intake, which theres a bunch of other carbs they grow in country for their own consumption to move over to if necessary.

    their economy if not able to compete would switch from being less export of produce to a heavier focus on tourism similar to other carribean nations.