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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • This is bad practice.

    More accurately it should look something like this:

    # Load sys library for exiting with status code
    import sys
    def sayHelloWorld(outPhrase: str="Hello World"):
        # Main function, print a phrase and return NoneType
        return None
    if __name__=="__main__":
        # Provide output and exit cleanly when run from shell
        # Exit with rc!=0 when not run from shell

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.ziptoAntiwork@lemmy.mlThat's all it is.
    1 month ago

    Leftists really suck at marketing. Between that, antifa, and defunding the police, they really don’t seem to know how to put a name to an idea that can’t be misconstrued by an opponent with the maturity of a 5 year old (which, as luck would have it, is most opposition). I’d even argue BLM should be on that list.

    Edit to add: global warming.

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.ziptoAndroid@lemmy.worldIf it works, kill it.
    2 months ago

    Thank you, subscribed to most, they seem right up my alley.

    I was apprehensive about the first two because they sound (from their titles) like the type of conservative conspiracy theory my FIL talks about. He was talking to my BIL (FIL’s stepdaughters husband) about the collapse, and where to go yesterday. He decided Mexico since “they’re only doing all that shit in the industrialized countries” , and I couldn’t help but silently laugh that a.) he thinks Mexico isn’t an industrialized country, and b.) he would illegally immigrate there to avoid politicized chaos.

  • Right?

    Like, I get it Nintendo, you want money. That’s understandable.

    Then let me buy the damn games. I’d love to be able to buy roms to run in an official emulator, or ideally any emulator.

    Honestly at this point why even bother with DRM. The roms for classic systems are absurdly easy to get. Hell even switch roms. But Nintendo insists the only way to play retro games legitimately is to buy either a monthly subscription, or a copy of the rom bundled with the official emulator that can only be run on that specific generation console, or buy dedicated system for it.

    And even then its only the games they put out on the system/marketplace/subscription service. A tiny fraction of the library.

  • I’ve really never minded gate-checking, and when I travel alone (i.e. for work), I travel light and try to cram everything into a larger carryon and gate check it.

    The biggest bottleneck on the way out is waiting at baggage claim. Gate checked bags are returned to you at the tarmac or at the end of the PBB, and sometimes they are there waiting for you before you even get to it, making it the quickest way out of the airport.

  • Yep.

    Used to fly all the time for work.

    After that, flying with my wife and kids, or standing in TSA line with the normies who don’t know what to do gets incredibly frustrating.

    I remember getting stuck behind one Karen who was pissed off she had to toss out a giant bottle of hair conditioner, in like 2017. Like, lady, yeah, it’s dumb, but the 311 rule isn’t new. Get over yourself.

  • I’ll tell you a story.

    The other day I got some curry and rice boxed meals at a local closeout store.

    Inside there was curry in one plastic bag, rice in another plastic bag, and a little disposable plastic bowl to combine them in.

    But wait, there’s more. They also included a bamboo spoon and fork. About the most useless disposable flatware I’d ever seen. Didn’t work at all b

    I don’t know where I was going with this story but your prompt reminded me of it.