Eight of the 14 reviews in for Baldur’s Gate 3 are 10/10s. Nothing is below a 9.

  • JdW@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I realize on an intellectual level I live in a world where Zelda games are revered for some reason. Don’t play them, can’t stand console/j- rpg’s and don’t know anyone that plays them but especially online they seem to be the Alpha and Omega. THAT’s why this is such a big thing, you can’t compare games but to surpass the ultimate internet fanboy dream game by just making a great RPG is ballsy and just what gaming needed right now.

    • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      The reason they are revered is that over the last 27 years, the Legend of Zelda franchise has consistently put out one good game after the next with few, if any real blemishes on their record. After almost 3 decades of consistently putting out games that are fun, innovative, and kinda familiar all at once, the fanboys may have a minor point with their obsession of the games.