I’m happily serving a few websites and services publicly. Now I would like to host my Navidrome server, but keep the contents private on the web to stay out of trouble. I’m afraid that when I install a reverse proxy, it’ll take my other stuff online offline and causes me various headaches that I’m not really in the headspace for at the moment. Is there a safe way to go about doing this selectively?

  • Foster Hangdaan@lemmy.fosterhangdaan.com
    14 hours ago

    First of all, doesn’t Navidrome have authentication? So, I don’t see why exposing it to the public is a problem.

    Second, some reverse proxies support basic auth. This way, you can password-protect some services and is useful if the service does not have its own authentication. Here as an example snippet for Caddy:

    example.com {
    	basic_auth {
    		# Username "Bob", password "hiccup"
    		Bob $2a$14$Zkx19XLiW6VYouLHR5NmfOFU0z2GTNmpkT/5qqR7hx4IjWJPDhjvG
    	reverse_proxy myservice:8000

    You’ll have to look up the docs for other reverse proxies.

    • FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.worldOP
      11 hours ago

      Thanks. You’re right about Navidrome supporting authentication. I’m using HTTP instead of HTTPS, though. I was advised to use a reverse proxy to avoid potential legal issues.

      • Max@lemmy.world
        4 hours ago

        How will a reverse proxy help?

        Things that a reverse proxy is often used for:

        • making multiple services hosted on the same IP and port
        • SSL termination so that the wider world speaks https and the proxy speaks http to the server. This means the server doesn’t have to do its own key management
        • load balancing services so multiple servers can serve the same request (technically a load balancer but I believe some reverse proxies do basic load balancing)
        • adding authentication in front of services that don’t have their own (note that some of the protections/utility is lost if you use http. Anyone who can see your traffic will also be able to authenticate. It’s not zero protection though because random internet users probably can’t see your traffic)
        • probably something I’m forgetting

        Do any of these match what you’re trying to accomplish? What do you hope to gain by adding a reverse proxy (or maybe some other software better suited to your need)?

        Edit: you say you want to keep this service ‘private from the web’. What does that mean? Are you trying to have it so only clients you control can access your service? You say that you already have some services hosted publicly using port forwarding. What do you want to be different about this service? Assuming that you do need it to be secured/limited to a few known clients, you also say that these clients are too weak to run SSL. If that’s the case, then you have two conflicting requirements. You can’t simultaneously have a service that is secure (which generally means cryptographically) and also available to clients which cannot handle cryptography.

        Apologies if I’ve misunderstood your situation

      • tko@tkohhh.social
        10 hours ago

        What’s your reason for using HTTP? That seems like a really bad idea this day in age, ESPECIALLY if that’s something you’re going to make available on the internet.

          • tko@tkohhh.social
            8 hours ago

            Gotcha… as long as you understand that any device that receives that traffic can see exactly what’s in it! (no sarcasm intended at all… if you’re informed of the risk and OK with it, then all is well!)