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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What I’ve done is wired a different type of USB port to each door where the doorknob would exist. My kids and spouse all carry a different thumb drive for each door with the proper conversion adapter permanently attached so they know which door it belongs to. Each family member only uses the door for which they have the “key”. My wife prefers the back door. The USB port solution helps to deny access to certain rooms inside the house too as I’ve wired ports on those doors too. For instance I have a room where I keep the liquor that I can block the kids from accessing.

    Each port is connected to a different RPI5 that runs software that upon a device insert reads a special file named for the date. Inside that file is the name of the family member so the script knows who it is. It then updates a spreadsheet hosted in Google Cloud so I can view it from anywhere. Google sends me push notifitations when this happens.

    The beauty is that if one of my family loses their thumb drive I just make another and rotate the adapters so the old one won’t work anymore. My wife is the biggest culprit of this. She doesn’t work and is home all day but she still has a pretty busy life based on all the action that back door sees. But it has lead to a bug - more on that later.

    It’s a pretty flawless solution - I’m so proud of it I’ve given my tech savvy neighbor a thumb drive of his own to help test the system. Like I mentioned I have one bug to fix tho.

    It seems like every time my wife loses her thumb drive there is some ghosting in the logs. For instance, I’ll see a push notification with her name and a the back door opening and then a few minutes later another rear entry with her name attached but never an exit between events. Maybe an hour later then I’ll see an exit.

    My neighbor always seems to do his testing while I’m at work too cuz I’ll see his name show up. My wife has mentioned he’ll stop by for a half hour or hour a couple times a week and answer questions about the system and tech. I think she wants to get a job in tech.

    Another bug I’ve only seen happen a few times is the back door opening with my wife’s thumb key, the neighbor entering the back door, and then my wife’s name showing another back door event. I’ve called her on the phone to have her (and the neighbor if he’s there) troubleshoot during this and she is definitely home but she sounds really hurried and out of breath. I don’t know what she is watching on TV but it sounds like several guys arguing and when I ask why it’s so loud she gets worked up and has to mute the phone for a bit.

    Actually now that I think about it I’ve started getting notifications of back door entries after my wife has gone to bed and I’m working on projects in the basement. It’s soundproofed down there so I can listen to music without waking her. I swear tho I’ll hear some off-timed thumping after these events.

    But yeah, I really like the tech I got going on and my wife thinks it’s the best idea I’ve had. I think for v2 I’d like to implement a secret knock each family member has instead of the thumb drive so there’s nothing to lose. It would be much easier for my wife’s back door entry. I swear she squealed with delight when I told her how much time would be saved on entry just by a few properly timed forceful hits to a sensor on the back door. She wanted to try it out immediately!

    Good luck!

  • If you are curious look up the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and his 99 Theses.

    I’m paraphrasing and my thoughts on what I experienced this but it came down more to the idea that Catholics worship the pope and the saints more than god and jesus. If you were the leader of a nation that called themselves Catholic you could find the Pope telling you what to do when it came to war and if you declared war on another Catholic country the Pope could tell you to stop or to declare peace. To not do so was in danger of having all other Catholic nations declare war.

    Not to mention the many saints you are required to pray to, Purgatory and praying for the dead, all of the rituals, services in Latin, worship of the virgin mother, the schism that split the church between two Popes who excommunicated each other, etc.

    Protestantism did away with all of that. No single leader, the ability to create different sects that didn’t make you an apostate of the church, etc. Now don’t get me wrong even the same sect don’t always believe the exact same things and it can get pretty nit-picky, but Protestantisn can change with the times more easily than Catholicism can.

    The goal was to make less of a ritual cult like Catholicism had become, and more of a focus on the meaning of the the actions of jesus, being able to actually get to heaven without all of the pomp and circumstance that really meant nothing, and all that crap.

    The worry is the President would be more loyal to the other Catholics than the rest of the nation and would be bound by cult rules than the will of the people.

    Ironically enough right now it’s the Catholic President trying to stop rights from being taken away while there are both Protestants and Catholics in the Supreme Court and other facets of the government that are working so hard to do the opposite.

  • If cable, cell, ISPs and companies of that ilk are any hint, we’ll have to pay the upcharge on the items themselves, all of the food delivery company’s fees and surcharges, and then get double-dipped from the driverless car company for those same fees. They’ll also tack on a fee to rent the car while it drives to our homes, another fee for each second it sits waiting for us to go grab the food, a fee for each second of cloud computing time as it updates to the network, a fee for the electricity it uses, and as part of the Eula, we must top off the car’s batteries from our own charging stations thereby incurring that cost as well.

  • They want to do like they did with The Hurt Locker all those years ago: movie didn’t pull in what they wanted it to, so they got a list of IPs from setting up a seeder, took those to the ISPs (who turned over customer names and addresses asap) and sent scare letters to all the customer addresses they received threatening to sue each person in each household for millions per number of copies they estimated (made up the difference in cost vs actuals plus a bonus on earnings for mgmt) were shared across torrents. Unless you paid them a couple thousand dollars instead.

    They knew most would throw the letter away like the garbage it was, but a lot of people paid. Especially elderly folks whose grandkids came over and used the computer to do it. It works!