• 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Well when most employers can fire you at any time for almost any reason (at-will employment) and your healthcare is tied to your job then… yeah, employers can treat their employees pretty poorly and get away with it, especially if you work in something like fast food or big box retail where plenty of young, unskilled workers are entering the workforce every year that they can replace you with.

  • I want a pokemon RPG game. Give me a type- specific skill tree that I as a trainer can earn xp and level up. Fire moves deal +10% dmg, burn chance up +5%, water moves deal -10% dmg, etc. Maybe some general ones too like catch chance +5%, wild pokemon encounters -10% (or +10%), money earned +10%, etc.

    So many trainers seem to be focused on one or two specific types, why not encourage the player to do the same? Allow players to re-spec with the professor if they want to change things up.

    So tired of the same gameplay just being given a new coat of paint.

  • Comedy

    • Saving Silverman (Buddy/Romantic Comedy)

    • In Bruges (Dark Comedy about hitmen)

    • Swiss Army Man (idk Daniel Radcliff is a farting, talking corpse. Movie about self acceptance? An elderly couple walked out of the theater after the opening credits when i saw it lol)

    • Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Robert Downy Jr & Val Kilmer detective/noire)

    • The Naked Gun Trilogy (Leslie Nielson as a cop, idk how old you are but maybe you haven’t heard of these)


    • Upgrade (quadriplegic man puts AI in his head)

    • Turbo Kid (Mad Max type dystopian future, one of my favorite movies ever but I’ve only been able to find it on YouTube or “free streaming”. It’s Canadian and their blu-rays don’t work in the U.S.)