• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Aielman15@lemmy.worldtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkD6 bite damage
    8 days ago

    I don’t know how hospitals work in the US (assuming that OP is a US citizen, because that’s what we do on the internet), but where I come from, determining the cause of an injury is very important to decide on an effective treatment. Bites in particular are very nasty and can lead to a lot of scary complications (including human bites!).

    There’s no way in hell the nurse just said “yeah ok got it fam” and went along with her day like it wasn’t important.

    And maybe I’m too jaded, but I read “we also got engaged” and my mind automatically added “and everyone clapped” at the end of the sentence lol

  • I’m Italian. School explains all there is to know about sex and stuff, so I never needed the “talk” with my parents. I also had a bigger brother that would tell me everything way before the time lol

    About drugs, I think I already got everything from TV? I certainly didn’t need my parents explaining to me that drugs are bad.

    EDIT: For those curious about how/when SexEd is taught in school in Italy: I had SexEd in my 5th year of elementary school (10yo), 3rd year of middle school (13 yo) and again in high school (I think it was the second year, so 15 yo, and then in my fourth year as well, when I was 17 yo). My parents were required to consent to the school teaching us SexEd only in elementary school; no consent form was required from middle school onwards, it was mandatory.

    And I think that drugs were discussed in school as well. I think in middle and high school, around the same time as SexEd.

  • As I said in my other post, I don’t plan on moving to 2024 anytime soon, because I really don’t like it: I think it’s clunkier than 5e, but at the same time fails at fixing any of the shortcomings of the original game, and I have serious doubts about its balance. I will check on it after the Monster Manual is released, but I’m not holding my breath that WotC’s monster design will somehow make it more balanced.

    That being said, if my group decides to make the move either to 2024 or to a different system altogether, there’s little reason for me to work on 5e content still.

    Even if the above doesn’t happen, I may work on stuff for personal use to play with my friends, but there’s little reason for me to publish it because it will get even less traction that it already does - which is, almost zero. I don’t know where people is publishing DnD homebrew stuff nowadays, but all the channels I know of (c/DnDHomebrew on Lemmy, r/UnearthedArcana on Reddit and the Discord of Many Things) are all pretty much dead.

  • LINDAR - Justiciar Unholy Ravager


    Lindar never flaps her wings too far away from her twin, Useni. Despite their differences, the two are inseparable and often act and think as one. While her brother delights in weaving a web of deceit and treachery around his prey, Lindar relies on her powers to face threats head-on. By combining their strengths and offsetting their weaknesses, the twins are formidable opponents to even the most seasoned party of heroes.

    USENI - Stalker Living Myth


    Useni never flaps his wings too far away from his twin, Lindar. Despite their differences, the two are inseparable and often act and think as one. While his sister relies on brute strength, Useni prefers to approach things at his own pace, setting traps, illusions and wearing down his foes through cunning tactics. By combining their strengths and offsetting their weaknesses, the twins are formidable opponents to even the most seasoned party of heroes.

    BAKARI - Guardian Detached Watcher


    Bakari is the odd one out. He departed from the nest centuries ago to wander the world in solitude. He rarely can be bothered to intervene in matters of importance, largely acting as a passive spectator of history. Still, he knows a lot more than he lets on, and he will attempt to thwart his family’s plans by aiding the party in some critical moments, for what is there to see in a world that lies in ruins? Unfortunately, his help often comes in the form of cryptic advice… although he may have some rare artifacts to spare that he has found in his travels.

    DEVLIN - Rampager Worldbreaker


    The oldest of the bunch and Asher’s second-in-command. He once despised his siblings and departed the nest. Amiable and charismatic, he joined the elves and was welcomed among them, who gave him the name of Alvar. But in the heat of war, his affable personality quickly gave way to an insatiable bloodlust, which he believed to be his father’s curse, and from which he attempted to run away from. When war reached him, he fought bravely to protect his allies, but ended up unleashing destruction upon friends and foes alike, ultimately causing the death of the Elven King. Shunted off by his former allies, he let rage consume him, razed their cities, and returned to his nest. Expecting Asher’s wrath, he was instead welcomed with open arms. From that moment on, he became her shadow, following her orders passively as long as she allowed him to spill blood.

    ASHER - Basara Annihilator


    With a keen intellect and a thirst for power, Asher, the second hatch of the nest, has always been ambitious. When she was only a few centuries old, she devised a daring plan to infiltrate her father’s lair - an ancient wyrm of untold powers. Using her cunning intellect, she managed to outwit him, ultimately killing him and taking over his territory. Smart and manipulative, she recognized her father’s solitary nature as his biggest weakness and decided to keep her siblings close and loyal to her through a mix of fear, respect, and genuine care - for there’s nothing more powerful than a dragon, except for a bunch of dragons.

  • Thank you for the kind words!

    I have no rush to try 2024 atm. I guess I’ll see what happens when the current campaign with my group ends. By that time the Monster Manual will surely be out and we’ll have a better understanding of how balanced the entire game is.

    Since I’ll probably be the DM next time, we’ll probably stick to homebrewed 5e. I’ve been itching for a while to use your playable dragons for a family of BBEG dragons.

  • The CEO constantly starves the D&D team. They don’t have the budget they need to make a good product.

    Respectfully, I disagree. I’ve seen much better 3rd party content from smaller creators who charge less than WotC and offer much better value. As much as I’m sorry for those who were laid off, the problem with the DnD team is not their meagre numbers, but their lack of care for the brand.

    The DnD team (which consisted of both writers and playtesters) had ten years of consistent player feedback on 5e, and one and a half year of OneDnD playtest, and only did the bare minimum. You don’t need hundreds of people to write a rules update. Heck, it took me (only me, a single person with no collaborators or playtesters) a week to write a replacement for the 5e fighter, and I recon I did a fairly decent job. There were Monk revisions floating around that were miles better than the abomination that they attempted to push in UA6. Heck, I also wrote my Monk revision during that time, and it took me about two/three days at most. During the playtest, Crawford claimed that the Warlock’s Pact of the Chain was never meant to be as “spicy” as Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Tome, which is bullshit (it was clearly presented as an equal option to the other two); instead of rebalancing Chain and Talisman, they just folded the Pact Boons into the Invocation system and called it a day (again, lazy game design). I did that for my homebrew Warlock in about… half a week of brainstorming?

    I could go on, but the point is, I would expect those who are paid to create content for the game and do it for a living to do better than what I can do for free in my spare time.

  • Yeah, I knew that all those people praising the new and innovative accessibility design of the books before they were even out were full of shit.

    It’s WotC. We have criticized their books for over a decade now and they still don’t give a damn. I remember flipping through one of their adventure modules and being flabbergasted by their incompetence.

    It’s not just cross-referencing, either. They actively made OneDnD more complicated to run for a number of classes, yet refused to add more depth to the system. Depth remained the same, it’s just more complicated for first time players. It’s disappointing how little they cared, they just rushed the product in time for the anniversary.

  • What’s the rush? Just play good ol’ 5e (with or without homebrew content) for a few more weeks. World’s not going to end.

    I agree it sucks to see people enjoying the product they got for free before paying customers, but like, it’s WotC we’re talking about, here. It’s the least shitty thing they have done in the past two years. If you don’t want to get kicked in the shins, don’t pre-order from them. Be glad you don’t have the Pinkertons knocking at your door right now.

    I’ll just wait for the Pirate subclass to make an appearance. I’ve been playing it for the past few years and enjoyed it very much.

  • I did the same thing. And then I took it to the next level and taught my entire party elven expletives so that they could join me in insulting the leaf-suckers. Fuck you. You are not better than me just because your farts smell of wet moss.

    My character is also deep into the conspiracy theory that elves marry humans only because they are after their inheritance. Think about it, guys: an elf lives for hundreds of years. A human marriage will last about 50-75 years on average. Those bush-wearers could marry half a dozen humans in their lifetime and live the rest of their existence comfortably rich with the accumulated riches and possessions from all those marriages.

    Wake up, sheeple!