
  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I have a dozen different hobbies, but I was really into flashlights for a while too. I was into them enough that my wife asked me to stop buying more flashlights and lanterns. I didn’t stop though! I only stopped when I finally decided I had scratched that itch, have obtained what I want, and was bored. But now I have great flashlights in both of our cars, in my mom’s car, one at each exterior door of the house, one at the garage door, and a few lanterns in the closet. She very much appreciates the fruits of my labors now that I’m finished.

  • The best build I’ve played is my Bard in this playthrough. Swords bard, dex based sharpshooter, 2 hand crossbows, 2 hand fighting style, and 2 levels in paladin oath of the Ancients. You’re a skill monkey with dex and charisma, so you can do almost anything in the game as good as any other character, you have sleight of hand and persuasion expertise so you can disable traps, pick locks, and persuade conversations. You get medium armor proficiency, or heavy if you take pally first, so you have high AC and high dodge, so you can front line. You have smite and a ton of spells slots. You can one-shot big bads. With the ranged slashing flourish you can attack 5 times in a single turn for high damage. And to top it all off you have heals, crowd control, and a pretty great spell arsenal. There’s literally nothing this build can’t do. Not only can it do everything, it can do most things better than dedicated classes. The only two things I’ve found done better by other classes are mass healing from a cleric, or lots of AOE damage from a wizard. Anyways, I absolutely LOVE this build.

  • Astarion is my second favorite companion. Karlach is too cool to not be my first favorite, but Astarion with his scheming and sassy attitude is such fun! Astarion was also my most powerful companion, and group face in my first playthrough, so I very much needed him in the party. This time I’m playing as a Bard and don’t need him, but I just added him back to the party to take on Cazador, and he’s still a badass. I’m rolling with him as a Monk/Thief now and he kicks major ass, and doubles as a pack mule.

  • It’s really disgusting. It was a great platform for keeping in touch with long distance friends and family. If you kept your friends list trimmed to people you know, then it was actually a really fun platform. Now it’s like all the worst parts of corporate internet all glommed together on a single site. I see maybe 1-2 of my actual friend’s posts, and the rest is all absolute crap. Hundreds of billions of dollars wasn’t enough for zuck? Nope! He just had to go and squeeze every last cent out of the site, even if it meant burning it to the ground. It’s not even worth visiting anymore. I was still visiting to see my memories, but now he’s slowly breaking that functionality too. Congratulations Facebook, you’re awful.

  • There are abilities and gear that lower your crit requirement, but usually only by 1, so 5% higher chance of crit. I agree that your crit chance should go up as you get better, but only in relation to the skill of your opponent. Like I’m sure Bruce Lee could punch me exactly where he wants to 100% of the time, but not so much against Donny Yen. The pathfinder system sounds smart.

    It’s definitely possible for people who have mastered things to critically fail. How many times have you drunk water in your life? Millions of times? But every rare once in a while you mess it up so bad that you put water into your windpipe. That’s a critical failure. But the chances of it happening when you’ve mastered something should certainly be far lower than 5%.