I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I think Mozilla has something like this as well (also a subscription).

    I’m of the opinion that, at this point, one of the best infosec things a company could do is include a subscription like this (assuming they are safe and work as intended) for all employees as part of their compensation package, much the way they sometimes provide financial consulting services or gym memberships. Maybe one of the providers will start offering enterprise packages.

    If we could purge large quantities of data on employees, it would be that much harder to use social engineering for hacking. As a bonus, if enough people got themselves purged, it would entirely disrupt the data harvesting and selling models, potentially making them worthless. That would be a huge win.

    But I don’t think many people are going to pay for it themselves. They just won’t care that much. So as a work perk, it incentivizes them to use it by being free.

    I’m not in IT or anything, but my close friend is in security, so it’s something I consider quite a bit.

    Edit to add: obviously I’d rather see it illegal to collect data and sell it and all but that’s not going to happen any time soon, and this could be a lot faster. And if it becomes a business expense, businesses might just push for legislation…

  • Legitimately I’ve been using Plex for years and had no idea it even had vr support.

    I didn’t have those hardware packs, and probably wouldn’t, but still…

    I’m not really sure what I’d use it for though… is it for porn, in this case? (Serious question) I can’t think of any other media that would support it and be on plex…

    But also who shares their porn library with people? That’s weird.

    Edit to add: they really suck at making their integrations known… like… if they spend time and money working on it it should be listed somewhere so you know you can try it if you want to, no? Like somewhere under settings, like idk that fancy empty plugin page? That used to have stuff and doesn’t now?

  • This would absolutely flag me for something. I tend to have flat delivery, low pitch, avoid eye contact, etc. and when combined with other metrics, could easily flag me as not being a happy enough camper.

    I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m never going to be happy to be working, but if I showed up that day, I’m also in a good enough headspace to do my job… and if you want to fire me for that… for having stuff going on and not faking vocal patterns…

    This is why I don’t want to work anymore. It’s gotten so invasive and fraught if you happen to be anything but a happy bubbly neurotypical fake. And that’s wildly stressful. I’m not a machine, and refuse to be treated like one. If that means I have to die in poverty, well, dump me in the woods, I guess.

    This shit should never be legal.

  • Haha I feel that’s pretty normal tbh. Most people I know don’t have spare space. Couch or floor or too bad get a hotel. Maybe they have a hide-a-bed or a morris bed, but usually not.

    It’s more that I can’t bear to get rid of stuff “just in case I need it, you never know when something is going to happen”. Poverty mindset. I actually almost never have people over and I don’t really want them over often, tho one of my close friends lives a few hours away so she stays sometimes.

    And if I can get rid of something junk and still maintain the things my mind has deemed necessary backup, all the better. Tho I’ll probably disassemble part of the frame to store it all upright when not in use… I move stuff around a lot as I remodel.

    I have a plant grow tent for year-round veggies in that room, and can use it as an office too, so not totally wasted space when not in use. It’s a big, old, much in need of expensive repair sort of place that I got cheap years ago, and it’s getting improved as I go.

  • Hey thanks! I got a really high quality ultra plush mattress for myself last year, and it’s about time it had a nice frame to go on. Plus then I can use the old frame and decent mattress in the spare room, and give away the shitty futon that’s in there. Win win.

    I was around the internet back in the pre-social media days of “tits or gtfo” and all, so I know I dodged a firestorm of bullets. 😳

    I saw some sort of demographic poll a while back about the makeup of fedi users, and it was something like 10% being female? I suppose that’s probably a self-selected response type thing and probably not super accurate depending how they went about finding participants, and It’s probably also highly dependent upon the instance, but that’s why I said it’s a sausage party. Also every post about ladies things is like 80% “I’m a guy but”, which is fine and all but… feels sausagy.