You appear to be unable or unwilling to distinguish between “preventing births” and “voluntarily choosing not to have children.”
I would be happy to further discuss the distinction and show you my willingness. But since you are not willing to engage in discussion.
Not sure why you’re quite so interested in escalating the rhetoric here (forced sterilization? in a thread that started with individual action to save honeybees? really?
I am not “escalating the rhetoric”. And I didn’t suggest either that the way to not have honeybees is to “not have kids”. If you want to talk about absurd statements, talk to that guy.
The intent is always hard to prove. But I am glad that you agree that the only difference would be the intent ;)
Yet, if you read about some cases, you might see that the intent was not always proven or obvious, and some cases are considered genocide even without intent. For instance, take Holodomor, which is being more and more recognized as a genocide, even though unintentional. But I am happy to talk about other cases.