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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It’s a photo i took of one of those big ass beams where boats “park” on a foggy but very blue early morning, during a time in my life i was leaving at night on little “suicide walks” with my camera.

    It’s not a very great or visual photograph, i put a teal filter over it as it’s my wife’s favorite color and photography sort of saved me while my wife saved me the first time i got lost in this suicidal rut.

    Covid really screwed us over (it wasn’t just covid, right before we tried to buy a house after years of saving with the help of friends we trusted but shouldn’t have), no income, no house, no safety net…just a backpack and a fresh start during the worst possible time ever.

    I got so lost in having no faith left that the job interview i did manage to land, i needed someone to pick me up halfway and take me there…i just collapsed and believed i wouldn’t get out of this hole. I never got that job but being at the bottom of the pit only leaves you with one direction to go: up.

    And up we went…eventually, very slowly.

    I’m not sharing the image as it’s mine and mine alone, it’s my pain, my struggle, my lesson and my strength.

    I might actually have it printed and on my wall someday.

  • I’ve had mine for 3 years, 3 years of headaches and modifying and it still doesn’t work right.

    I tried printing something huge, turns out one cormer of the bed doesn’t warm up enough. It also has started having these uneven layers as if the belts aren’t at the proper tension.

    It’s been 3 years of solving issue a and getting issue b, to solving b and getting c etc. Neverending maintenance and zero usability.