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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That’s what humans do, though. Maybe not probability directly, but we all know that some words should be put in a certain order. We still operate within standard norms that apply to aparte group of people. LLM’s just go about it in a different way, but they achieve the same general result. If I’m drawing a human, that means there’s a ‘hand’ here, and a ‘head’ there. ‘Head’ is a weird combination of pixels that mostly look like this, ‘hand’ looks kinda like that. All depends on how the model is structured, but tell me that’s not very similar to a simplified version of how humans operate.

  • If you’ve got a problem, it’s on you to solve

    Isn’t that exactly what NNN aims to do, at a general level? A peer-pressured event to at least give most people a reason not to watch porn for a bit.

    The same idea going for things like r/nofap. I’ll absolutely believe that the sub has become cult-like and incelfilled, as I haven’t gone there myself. But at least on the surface it’s a group of people trying to solve a problem they have, no? (And some people taking advantage of that, or of other issues the people there have)

  • It’s more of a weapon system and AI-model issue. Think of Russians using missiles filled with Chinese-manufacturered electronics rather than US ones. Now US sanctions are less effective (even in the face of all the smuggling that happens anyway).

    In the same way, think of China training militarily useful AI models on hardware they no longer need the US to supply. Things like models for more effectively deadly biological or chemical compounds. Or even targeting and decision making algorithms. In a war, they would be able make their own hardware to support such efforts, rather than being reliant on the US.

    Ultimately, it doesn’t matter in times of peace, or if we were all able to get along with each other. But seeing as everyone is trying to have an advantage on all other potential enemies, this presents a problem.

  • The issue arises when you look at it from a geopolitics point of view. The US (aka the West) loosing manufacturing and design dominance in the semiconductor space means that there is less bargaining power to force others to do what the US wants. In the case of China, US export embargos for cutting edge semiconductor technology was meant to cripple China’s technological progress, especially in the semiconductor design/production and AI model space. (Think of whatever shenanigans US companies have been doing with AI models, and what China has already demonstrated on Western hardware.)

    Semiconductors are integral to modern weapon systems. If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you’ll remember that even Russian missiles have been found to contain western-made electronics. AKA Russia has been buying US technology and adding it into their own weapon systems, rather than designing, producing and using their own. That makes Russia reliant on having a stable source of US components, be it imported legally or in spite of sanctions. The same goes for China. The fear is that China will eventually be able to manufacture weapon electronics comparable to US designs. Stealing the designs from US sources isn’t particularly difficult, its always been the manufacture of said components that caused issues for China. Seemingly, that gap has been closing.

    In short it’s basically the issue of the West having made China the factory of the world, them having learned/being able to steal designs, and them now having the ability to produce almost anything. That makes them a strategic threat to US interests.

    Anything that makes someone less reliant on you is a net negative if you wish to remain ‘in charge’.