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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Not sure if I am reading it correctly. But what ip adress is your given to your pc?

    It reads to me like you have router 1 and 2 on router 1’s network but your pc is on router 2’s “internal” network… which must not be in the same 192.168.1.x range as is router 1’s network.

    Put router 1 under 192.168.2.x range Then Then Router 2 with 192.168.1.x adressing should work still, and the pc should be able to talk to the router-1 network.

  • Why am I only mildly surprised?

    The thing people forget, half of NY’s “real estate moguls” probably commit the same fraud, perhaps to a lesser extent and Broke Don was just caught with his pants down. But those business folk are of course whispering everywhere that this ruling could bankrupt NYs real estate market…

    I do find it rather strange how it is worded “an appeals court has decided” … so is this ANOTHER appeals court that is meddling with the court case of the original court and the upcoming appeals court? Or are/will these be the same folks who will decide on the coming appeal case? If the latter I will start assuming they’ll throw the judgement out on a technicality (“the business in question is now located in Florida so there is no jurisdiction in NY” Or something lame like that)

    Also it is unclear to me what their decision is based on, if the law states that on appeal a bond for the full amount needs to be met, how can they lower it just like that? Especially since Broke Don claims to swim in Billions of dollars… I can see the REASONING of wanting to lower it but I would think the law does not give leeway on it.

    I could only think of just allowing a seizure of the assets but blocking them from sale while the appeal goes up, that seems a lot fairer than what they did here.

    Frankly I am stunned how more and more explicit the justice system is openly breaking the US laws just to keep Broke Don in the saddle… is there anyone who can really stop them doing that?

    Meanwhile I will not be surprised if the appeal for this case, and others will just get delay stacked on delay until well beyond the elections, probably stuffing it all in 2025. This under the feared and silent assumption the dictator from day 1 will have his Golden Throne from which he will excrete his decrees of revenge under his claimed full authority, impunity and immunity.

  • The thing is, the common thought Trump will abide by bureaucratic processes is utterly wrong. He and his cronies even made abundantly clear they will replace any opposition starting day one, and declared they have 50.000 people chosen and lined up to fill the newly empty government positions. They have no intention wait out approvals or discussions about new laws or rules.

    He’ll sign an executive order making instant sacking of any bureaucrat possible, those that try to block or slow him down will be forcibly removed.

    As I keep bringing up, Hitler did not come into full power over years, no it took mere months and a healthy week of literally murdering all of his then political opposition to do it. Then all that came from Hitler was a denial along “I do not believe my people did this” and the whole country’s government and judicial system was too afraid to not crown him Supreme leader.

    The Trump camp is following the exact same roadmap… including Trump declaring his current “Jan 6th hostages” to be innocent of all crimes.

    So please do not underestimate his threats or think he’ll need far more than 4 years to accomplish this, as soon as he able to claim the election in his favor (because hey, the republicans are going to refuse to certify any other outcomes, unlike previously in 2020) he will be beyond existing laws and judges. And apparently it will be all legal because it is the certification that matters, not the amount of votes.

    And the very minute he gets an actual armed force to occupy the congress or white house, “as a defensive measure”, well good luck getting him out and undoing whatever laws/decrees he started writing.