• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I’d say now’s the time, by now I mean as soon as it’s appropriate.

    I was once asked if I could crack a password of a windows PC in an office cause the guy who used to work there no longer remembers it and they wanted to reuse the old PC. I asked if they need to recover any data, if they used any software that would be incompatible with Linux (not like this but directly mentioning software and asked for a list of stuff they use) and then told them it would simply be easier to install Linux on the thing, not only it’s easier but since it’s an old machine running windows 7 it’s also more secure and the computer will perform well.

    During the installation we found out that the computer is glorified junk, took ages to even attempt to format the disk to ext4. Still got to install Linux Mint on another one of their computers tho, big success.

  • note if you sum up the linux distros here (excluding ChromeOS) you get 58,4% for personal use and 54,54% for professional use (of course keep in mind that there’s some godless bastards who dual boot 2 linux distros that could skew these statistics).

    Also note how that implies Linux is the most popular OS for professional use.

    Anyways, I wish these stats wouldn’t split Linux into distros, at least not by default. Linux distros are mostly the same and you’re still using (GNU*/)Linux splitting it makes it seem less popular tan it actually is.

    *unless you’re using something like Alpine ig

  • Impressive, you look like a very skilled programmer, management has told me you are now tasked with building a hyper-realistic virtual simulation of a Large Hadron Collider including detailed simulations of the lives of the actual workers and their families, you have a week or you’re fired by the firing squad, no you’re not allowed to ask why we need it or who we are or why we chose you and it is especially forbidden to ask for more time (and no you can’t ask why that is either). See you in a week, have a nice day :).

  • But you’re still pushing the responsibility to individuals, which is literally an oil company tactic.

    “You eat meat? Guess you aren’t a real environmentalist after all!” Is not the way we’ll get more people to quit eating meat. In fact you can’t even know why they eat meat despite knowing it’s bad for the environment. And it still won’t address the problem.

    This isn’t a race to moral purity.

  • And that’s cool and all but ain’t no way you will convince everyone to quit eating meat. Especially given that it’s not always a matter of choosing. Even then acting morally superior ain’t helping.

    It’s the same discussion with cars, people will do whatever is most convenient and available, if you don’t want people to use cars you don’t go around telling tjem not to use it, you act on the city’s design and public transport to make it so it is convenient to use the alternatives and then you start banning cars from city centers, then move towards the periphery, etc etc. All these are actions taken at the source. Sure telling people to mot use cars as much, to carpool, etc will help a bit but it ain’t gonna solve your issues chief.

  • I will take getting old and decrepit over having to work forever for soulless companies amd shit. Then again it’s not like I’m gonna see a pension anyways so I’d rather not get that old in the first place and die earlier.

    Our society ain’t ready for this type of shit, get everyone to be young forever and most of us will be living sad lives working forever to make someone else richer. And furthermore you’d have a lot more old people, who grew up in a different context than young people and don’t always tend to accept the fact the world is different now from when they were young, but they outnumber young people by such a huge margin that the voices of young people will be completely ignored and societal change will happen at a slow crawl, if at all, with a good portion of the population being unrepresented because “gotta cater to the majority if you want enough votes to win”… no thanks.

    The world doesn’t need more old people and I sure as shit don’t want to live in an even worse world than I have now. With climate change and all.

    Also I’m not sure if the wording in your first question is correct because, as it is now, it reads like if I don’t like extending life to eternity (assuming you don’t get shot, etc etc) then I must want to be old immediately which is a completely stupid jump to make so I’ll assume it was misworded.

  • Well the main flaw in your reasoning is thinking that it’s an issue addressed at the individual level rather than a greater systemic issue that cannot be addressed by the choice of individuals. And on top of that you colpevolise would-be allies whose life you don’t know, ironically playing right into oil tycoons and meat industry’s hands