how I imagine this interview:
how I imagine this interview:
Holy fuck they want me to pay ~70€/$ per month to read that!
It isn’t fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what it’s got in it’s nassty little pocketsess?
That is some serious fourh wall shit, with the sunlight blurring the subtitles.
Oh wow that is a punishment outweighing the crime if I’ve ever heard one.
Our definitions of “fun” must differ quite significantly :|
yes, yes it was
we made literally and figuratively mean the same thing!
not exactly, it should happen automatically if nothing goes wrong or any instances are modified as to disable deletion.
There is always an xkcd!
So many times I google something obscure, the top result is the same question asked on some forum with a single reply, “just google it”
since they are physically blocking light, shouldn’t these block uv by the same amount it blocks all other light?
som kind of bot going down maybe?
i find javascript to be a great language for throwing together quick and dirty hacks.
it has software for the temp control and such
I thought it meant sprinkling sugar on them and eating them as an after dinner treat
Its not entirely on sony though, DV comes with a hefty licensing fee, and would drive the console up by whatever that amount is.
maybe?, if we accept the mountains of dead human babies the research would inevitably produce.
the latter, they are the largest instances, and it’s generally healthy to spread stuff out
Windows 11