• 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Wow! Thanks so much, doctor!

    But wait- how is any of that going to stop me from dry heaving every morning before the thought of food even enters my mind?

    And you never told me what you thought of ERP and HRT / ComB model as therapies. Which do you consider, in your professional medical opinion, to be more important in my case? Based on my medical history, of course.

    stop being so damn dramatic. I doubt you try anything suggested seriously when youre so sure of your “woe-is-me” mentality - only you can do this

    You’re right. All those days in the hospital, the many doctor visits around my state, the gallbladder removal, the driving 8 1/2 hours to Minnesota and staying for two weeks… I clearly never tried anything seriously. But then, having read my medical history, know know this.

    recognise that your emotions and your thinking is the problem here, so think about how to separate that from the physical action of eating - maybe needs mental health support

    Please explain why not a single medical professional I have seen since January 2023 has suggested this but you have, doctor. What specifically in my medical history do you base this prognosis on? What emotions in specific do I associate with eating, doctor?

    go back to bascis - babies start with foods like mashed banana, boiled pureed broccili or peas, one small spoonful and it is stopped before they decide it’s too much. Find something similar to what you do have already. Gradually reintroduce lumps into the puree

    Weird, doctor. Because I thought you knew my history here. Pureed foods are not possible for me to swallow despite having tried it many times. I don’t think you’ve spent a lot of time looking at my clinical notes at all.

    And you still haven’t explained why you called the Mayo Clinic expensive when it cost me $120.

  • Okay, doctor. You know best.

    Now please, doctor, tell me how I’m supposed to start eating. Does it involve cheering up and smiling more?

    By the way, doctor… how does the heaving within five minutes of when I get up every morning for over a year involve my disliking food?

    Also, doctor, why do I really want to eat food if I dislike food?

    Oh, and doctor, what is your opinion of ERP and HRT / ComB model? Because the person I saw today is having me go through those therapies, so I would love your expert opinion on them. Will they make me not dislike food that I already don’t dislike? Just curious.

    And also, doctor, the Mayo Clinic wasn’t expensive at all. I’m paying a total of $120. I would have thought you would have known that with your extensive medical experience.

    Doctor! I just thought of another question! Why did I get my gallbladder removed if this is just about not liking food? Am I really into getting surgery?

    I’m sure I’ll come up with other questions for you, doctor. You know more than any of the over a dozen medical professionals I have seen in the last year.

  • My wife is taking care of my daughter. Going by myself would have been both much more expensive, since she’s paying for my stay, and, despite her being crazy and giving me a lot of problems, it’s always helpful to have another person around to ask questions you didn’t think of.

    And an aversion and phobia are practically the same, i.e. it’s “i don’t like it” instead of a physical medical issue.

    I think I’ll listen to a behavioral therapist in the best hospital in the country over a random person on Lemmy who doesn’t know anything about parasympathetic nerve system GI behavioral issues. She stated very clearly that it was not a phobia when asked explicitly if it was. I’m guessing she would know better than you, especially since she had my entire medical history, all of my clinical notes, and spent about an hour talking to me before discussing this sort of thing with me.

    But hey, if you know so much, how about you tell me how I’m supposed to start eating again? Let me guess- just do it. Just like how people with clinical depression need to smile more.

    Edit: Here you go, Dr. Geophysicist, MD: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4858318/