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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • I’d estimate that 90%+ of us would be dead in a matter of months if not weeks.

    Consider the significant lack of food available. Think about how much food the average person has in their house. Probably a week, maybe two. Perhaps a month if you’re wise and start rationing immediately. But most won’t. Most people would be in denial at the start and assume someone or something would rescue us.

    Now consider how much food there is available at your local grocery store. And how many people that store could feed. Compare that to the population of the geographic area that store supports and you’ll see that for the most part we would be out of food in a matter of months.

    Sure we could scavenge and perhaps hunt small game, but that’s limited and not something most people could do. But to get to a point where we’re actually able to do some level of substance farming, that could take up to a year to complete depending on the season society collapses. Before we get there most of us would have staved to death. Probably too many would die and there wouldn’t be enough labour to work the farms either.

    And that’s just considering food. There’s still the issue of clean potable water, and infections or other health issues that turn deadly quickly without modern medical intervention.

    And these issues are all compounded if you live in a high density urban environment. Which many do.

    TLDR: if society collapses, it might be wise to just bow out before things get really bad.

  • Re point #2… was completely agree. Resting has always been horrible in every Baldurs Gate game. There is little to no consequence to resting in these games. Start fight, alpha strike, rest, repeat. It takes me out of the game when the mechanics don’t match the environment. I’m aware that resting is optional, but still… Unless you’re running a pure martial team, you’ll need to rest before the sun hits high noon.

    The Owlcat Pathfinder games solved this problem brilliantly. They baked it into the gameplay by adding fatigue after so many in game hours, and the camp was something you setup in place, not some static map you revisit every very time. By far my most favourite resting mechanic I’ve seen in cRPGs. If I could change one thing about BG3, it would be this.

  • Bit embarrassed to admit this, but I used to seriously believe I had the ability to read woman’s minds.

    I used to walk into a party/bar and instantly know if I was going to have sex with a particular woman. This was virtually infallible. (Disclaimer: This didn’t happen every time I went to a party, nor did I necessarily choose the woman, but every time I felt that feeling I was right.)

    Turns out many years later I realized I just had a good understanding of woman’s body language. And could tell when a woman found me attractive enough, and was horny enough, to let me pick her up.

    FTR I do feel foolish for ever thinking I had some supernatural ability with women, but I was somewhat attractive and charming, so that went to my head.