• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah. What the hell were the plaintiffs supposed to do? How do you get proof of something like this? Break into an exec’s office? Hack an auto manufacturer’s network?

    Oh, wait a sec. Evidence that’s acquired illegally generally isn’t admissible. So even those ridiculous plans wouldn’t work. I guess the best we can do is wait until the harm is done, and then hope there’s a sloppy enough paper trail to unequivocally prove exactly who did it.

    Apparently, that’s MUCH better than using some common sense.

    An auto manufacturer, who has no business snooping on your texts in the first place, should not have permission to keep copies of them. Ever. It’s an absurdly obvious question. The plaintiffs shouldn’t have to prove they’ve been harmed. The auto manufacturers should have to prove that their intentions benefit all customers, AND that those benefits outweigh the risks.

    And no, advertising that’s specifically targeted at my perceived needs and interests doesn’t count as a “benefit”. Sorry not sorry.

  • I’m going to assume this judge hasn’t been unduly influenced.

    This looks like a classic case of following the letter of the law, while ignoring the spirit of the law. The law seems like it’s intended to punish harmful violations of privacy. No reasonable person can conclude that the sale of tens (or hundreds) of thousands of people’s private data is entirely harmless, but that’s what this judge did.

    US courts often take “reasonable” assumptions into account when making judgments or issuing sentences. Just because the plaintiffs couldn’t actually prove specific damage is no reason to assume it didn’t/won’t happen.

  • Yeah. Being sensible enough not to let superstition rule your life is a plus, but a lot of atheists are nothing but obnoxious people who like to be contrarians and think they’re smarter than others. That’s not a very helpful attitude, and I think that taking atheism to such an extreme that you automatically look down on theists is, well, kind of similar to being religiously intolerant. Isn’t that something we should avoid?

    I also know a few smart, wonderful folks who happen to let religion play a role in their lives, and I think that’s fine. They actually use religion for its stated purpose, which is (generally speaking) to improve themselves and the world around them. They do it in a tolerant, non-evangelical way, too, that respects the beliefs of others. Yeah, they happen to believe some things I think are unnecessary, but so what? Who am I to judge, when they live such positive lives?

    I also know many more people who use religion as an excuse to be willfully ignorant, hypocritical, and closed-minded. That’s the kind of religious “belief” I look down on.