- Breaking Down: Collapse
- It Could Happen Here (also by Robert Evans from behind the bastards)
- Popular Front
- S-Town
- The Moth
- Some More News
- Revisionist History
I’m a fan of the Schmidt p9000 fine. It’s a g2 size refill. I’m a nurse and my facility still has paper charts for certain day to day things, so I write quite a bit. Definitely recommend a try. They’re around $2.50 each.
No problem! I get that about the first two, but they’re really interesting. Of course It Could Happen Here is fiction, but his stories / predictions ended up having quite a few eerie synchronicities to what happened in the years following its release in 2019. Breaking down collapse is much more analytical and heady than conspiratorial. They talk about stuff like why monocultures crops are bad, the decline in insect population, or like how complicated and poorly understood the financial system is and how that sets us up for instability. Their followup podcast is called Building Up: Resilience. I haven’t started it yet, though
Parents man… The other day my dad told me he wanted to watch some new movie because, and this is literally what he said, “it looks violent.” I didn’t know how to respond. Like, I consume media that has violence in it, but as an adult I’d never watch or play something solely for the fact that some dude beats the shit out of people in it? It’s sad.