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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I have a library that’s been growing for about 20 years now. I don’t think I got too serious until around 2009, which is when I discovered music servers to host my library and quickly realized how bad its structure was. It took years of me getting folders done correctly followed by then working on tags. Automation scared me to much since the results were not always 100%. Once it was done I have kept a system to keep it that way the best I can.

    So for me once I get new content I use the app tagscanner to edit everything to the way I like, then I drop them into music Picard were I found a tutorial online a few years ago to set it up to just edit music genres. I found the one thing I never got right was music genres so finding this tool was incredible. Took months to run large sections of the library though. Now I got every track labeled with up to 5 genre tags. Once that is done I change folder names to what I want, drop them into my music directory folder which is root > artist > album (don’t care about year since it’s tagged). Scan music into my musicbee app and if any are missing covers I right click and tell it to find them. Then do a scan with navidrome to add it all there.

  • I currently use Navidrome as well, but I really don’t use smart playlists like that. For me, I use Symfonium on Android, which offers a ton of options and is incredible. In all my years of using a personal server to host music, this app has been the best by a lot. As for desktop apps, I don’t use them much, but when I do, I use Musicbee, which also offers unlimited customization if you’re willing to put time into it. It used to have a subsonic plug-in, but I have no idea if it’s still active. I just use the local file location and treat it as its own entity. If the subsonic plug-in still works, it may allow you to do what you want since everything seems possible in Musicbee from my experience.

  • I’m sure I had a lemon, but I think I had either the first or 2nd gen phone and it broke within 6 months. I had it in my hoodie pocket and I felt it vibrate so I took a look and it went into boot loop. Sadly I did not turn on developer mode so I could not get access to it or wipe it and the reset wouldn’t work either. Essentially it was wiped and I lost everything. I also don’t remember why but they did not allow the warranty either. Good news was it was a work phone so I did not pay for it. It was the only one I tried and I will not go back. I enjoy my Samsung.

  • I was counting down the days for this to release on ps5 and then the weekend before it came out I finally pulled the trigger and brought everything to make a new PC. Now it’s out on ps5 and I am waiting for all the parts to come in and still haven’t gotten to play it… last part comes tomorrow so I hope to finally dive in later this week. At least I get to play it with less bugs.

  • Wow that’s still active? I remember getting one when they had a kickstarter way back and realizing quick that it doesn’t matter how nice the hardware is if support is non existent. Glad to hear they are still around and I am guessing the community is much larger these days. I’ll have to see if I can dig my original model up from somewhere and see what I can use it for these days.

  • I have been through about 3 Samsung phones now back to back, which has been about the last 8 years and they are great so idk why they are getting so much hate. I had either the 1st or 2nd pixel phone prior to going Samsung and I thought it was awful. I found that I did enjoy some of the extra stuff the UI overlay builds in. For example, at least back then and may not reflect today, pixel didn’t even have a way to display battery % by default. I think you could through turning on developer options but it was not as nice. Does the Samsung UI come with a lot of stuff I don’t use? Sure but I also don’t think it impacts it negatively anyway so who cares.

    Also I hate iPhone and think it is the worst UI of them all. I use it daily for my work phone and really have no idea how everyone believes its the best option there is.

  • I lost power last night and had nothing to do… lemmy, sadly, doesn’t have as much content yet so I popped in once just to see. Spent like 10 min there with no account since I did delete it and realized it also wasn’t showing me much either.

    Having an account with everything you like really helps the experience, glad I looked and felt better when it also didn’t really give me the fix I wanted. Power is back and I don’t forsee myself going back anytime soon, outside very specific google searches where I might find relevant information needed to do my job.