Ah, I didn’t know about this workaround - will give it a try and see if it helps me (removing the PsoCache.pak). The game runs OK on DX11, but it’s more stuttery than it used to be on my old GFX card (5700XT). Which I can’t seem to figure out, other than perhaps poorer driver optimisations, with the 7800XT being a newer card.
Is Vulkan still broken on Linux for everyone, or is it just me?
Mesa 23.1 (thanks for nothing Manjaro for not releasing 23.2 until point update) and Radeon 7800XT
That is SUCH a useful tip. Thank you.
I don’t miss it one bit as a social platform. I just wish that search engines wouldn’t prioritise it as much when I try to find a “how to do….” guide. It’s insane how many Reddit threads (half deleted and otherwise) dominate the results. Just show me a nice webpage please.
Without Adblock detection. And no bloody “how to” videos either. I just want to read it through, thank you.
I’m at the Grymforge right now and Nere needs to be freed so I can stay safe in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. I’ll persevere, good to hear I’m getting close to your fave bit!