Are people who offer work for artists using Pixelfed?
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
Are people who offer work for artists using Pixelfed?
Oh my god, this made me laugh!
the majority of the content on the platform is photo slideshows coupled with text, which is why people often view it more as a competitor to Instagram than TikTok.
Which is super ironic given that instagram changed everything to push short video content and compete with tiktok
Even “1989” is banned. So everyone born in 1989 will have to lie and say they were born either 1988 or 1990
If you want to watch an Irish dude play and talk about a variety of obscure PS1 games, everyone should definitely check out Sean Seanson (currently at 44k subs). He has 2 ongoing series where a game is picked at random and he checks it out, one for western releases and another for japan exclusive PS1 games.
Majuular (166k subs) also does videos on mostly obscure or forgotten games. I really enjoyed watching his “I played every RPG on the <console>” videos, the one for the Saturn showed up some real gems.
Moon Channel (182k subs) is one of the “slow content creators”, which makes nearly every video he posts a great watch. He has great stuff like “Why do Japanese games love Brazil?” and “Gacha Games and the Korean Gender Wars” - the latter an incredible look into how and why Korean culture is the way it is today.
NeverKnowsBest (329k subs) is yet another gaming channel, focusing on very long videos. One that I do recommend to any Bethesda fan is “Lies, Hate and the story of Emil Pagliarulo” (it’s an eye opener and I am guilty of having joined the “it’s all Emil’s fault” bandwagon due in no small part to the videos he references). If you want to keep it to genres, his 2 most recent videos are “The Entire History of Japanese RPGs” and “An in-depth look at Romance in video games” - the latter shows up a number of famous dating sim games.
Basement Brothers (33k subs) is a channel devoted almost entirely to 80s and 90s Japanese computer games. So, if you were ever curious about PC-88 and PC-98 games, or the origins of franchises like Ys or Legend of Heroes, this is the place to find that.
As a bonus, SAMA Study of Antiquity and Middle Ages for history stuff. It’s very well researched stuff, often citing studies that follow DNA heritage among human groups to get an idea of when they migrated from one place to another.
I usually try searching for alternatives via Yandex
The same folks that created the real money auction house for Diablo 3, the memes “You think you do, but you actually don’t”; “Don’t you guys have phones?” and Diablo Immoral, continues to show their complete dissociation from reality because money.
Similar to his recent comments about how gamers turned the series towards live-service, Fergusson claims the “consumptive” nature of modern fans means a true, classic Diablo wouldn’t succeed anymore.
Ah yes, it’s the gaymurrs that asked for more fucking live service. Fuck off. To be fair, the actual interview doesn’t have anything saying that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a statement thrown elsewhere, since diablo immoral is full of lootboxes, gems and all the predatory bullshit that works wonders to funnel money. It worked exactly as expected, it’s profitable beyond reason. To conflate that with “gamers want more of that” is pure corporate bullshit and they know it.
(Fergusson): And so we launched that way with D4 and we found out very quickly that if you don’t give me my Uber in my season, then I’m upset. And so we’re like, oh, wow, okay. And now it’s not like, now we actually have an uber currency, uber unique currency that you can go make the one. If you’re not finding it, you can actually go make it for yourself, right? And so, which is very different. It’s just a kind of a recognition of how much players have changed in 20 years. You know, what they, that consumptive nature of a live service and that time is money and I don’t have much time, so let’s go, right? And so that idea of like, oh, you’re going to get a unique every six months. So what are you talking about? I need to get all the unique in six months, you know? And so it’s been, so that’s that clarity that Brent talks about is just putting in players’ hands, getting their actions and adapting."
That’s a “problem” because of how you decided the game should work, as a fucking live service.
For more Diablo coverage, read about Fergusson’s wish to have the ARPG genre renamed to “Diablo-likes”.
Everything old is new again, I guess.
By machine would be faster, I believe, especially when moving to bigger plushies
Well, those two are certainly ones to blow, alright
What would someone need to get started with sewing, if the focus was on making plushies?
55Wh battery, so this probably won’t last more than 2 hours as a portable.
$145.99 with me, just look at these CU-RAH-ZY savings!!!
From my experience, it’s best to just buy a used dumb screen. Check if it’s working properly and doesn’t have any screen problems and you’re golden.
Meanwhile, the marketing department reading this: “Boss! It’s working! The people are actually enjoying it!!”
Because it’s “convenient” and people are lazy.
Before seeing the previous comic, I thought “the press” was a mechanical press, which made me think the thing had some spirit or demon inhabiting it, hence why “you don’t talk to the press”
nostr is yet another twitter, but for “anti censorship” folk, such as cryptobros and “freeze peach absolutists”. Also has some crypto integration that lets it have shops and even a tiktok video thingy.
How would explain what this is for to someone who doesn’t know what this works as an alternative to?
No real time AV really hurts here.
Nowadays, simply having a browser with ublockOrigin is enough to have them avoid nearly all of those dangers. Also set the browser to always block notifications, I’ve had 3 different family members asking me to remove a virus, which was just Chrome notifications from sketchy sites showing up nonstop on windows.
sprinkle something green and red and it becomes crissmass-y
To be fair to the fucking muskrat, he paid 44 billion dollars to have the loudest voice in the world. By chance, he also got a lot of power in US politics. Sure, he’s killing twitter in the process, but he can probably recoup the money through other means.