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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This mf spittin.

    I wasn’t even old enough to vote but was stumping for a candidate many years ago, a Democrat, and an older voter rebuffed me while walking into the polling place, fine, but then he said “you know that’s the party of socialists and communists right?” And I’m like “yeah the other party is that of the KKK.”

    Not all Republicans are Klan but all Klan are Republicans. And I keep waiting for the day the GOP will kick these fools to the curb but every year they go further to the right. Fine, maybe you’re too young to remember Goldwater. Remember Willie Horton? Remember Sarah Palin?

    They keep on showing everyone there is no floor. That’s why David Frum warns that before Republicans reject conservatism, they will reject democracy.

    And here we are.

  • 72% sounds exceptional to me. Most of the legislation that the House and Senate deal with is uncontroversial and unless you read the daily Congressional Record would never hear about because it concerns only a handful of people or it’s something we all agree on. Shit like nominations for the deputy undersecretary to the diplomat plenopotentiary to Mauritania or whatever. I’m sure a lot more of it is being unnecessarily politicized in order to sabotage the country but still. Even Bernie and Ted Cruz I would expect to be more than 72%. Got me curious.

  • Lawyer here. Bud, your shoulder will never recover fully from this. Shoulders are terrible joints. The bones are just sort of there, not really attached to the rest of your skeleto. Talk with your Ortho about the probability that you will need a total shoulder replacement at some point in your life because of not just the broken bone and the healing processes to come, but also the damage to the surrounding soft tissue.

    Plus the ambulance ride, hospital visit, and ensuing treatment, is going to take up time and money and it should not be yours. As you noted, it’s really just insurance paperwork, at the end of the day. Call a good lawyer.