Kajo [he/him] 🌈

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I think it’s a more global movement.

    When I was recruited at my university in the early 2000s, every teacher had an ftp-accessible space with an http address like myuni.edu/~myname. The more techie ones did html, the fancier ones even added css. Muggles would export html from a Word document.

    Then one day, the IT department decided to replace this with a “learning management system”. A wysiwyg platform with dozens of modules for videoconferencing courses, homework submission, online exams, and so forth.

    Except that the user (the teacher) no longer has control over his or her personal space.

  • According to the French Constitution, the President cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms. Macron was elected in 2017 and relected in 2022 (against the far-right candidate) so he can’t be candidate in 2027.

    Before 2027, there won’t be any meaningful national election in France (European congress in 2024 and municipal elections in 2026).

    Also, Macron hasn’t the absolute majority at the French national assembly, but there are tools in the Constitution which allow the government to pass laws without a vote. And the opposition is not strong enough to dismiss the government.