Say no to authoritarianism, say yes to socialism

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Your anger is definitely justified, American imperialism & Neocolonialism has and continues to devastate and exploit the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and East Asia. I don’t support any of that.

    Many Americans are duped by Manufacturing Consent done at the behest of Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex. America does everything it can to exploit nearly everyone, including its own citizens. Shout-out to Knowing Better, Hasan Poker, Noah Samsen, and GDF for good info critical of US policy and history.

    I’m an advocate for a One-State Solution in Palestine with Equal Rights for both Israelis and Palestinians.

  • The summaries of the reports themselves are pages long…

    Here’s a small fraction of just the summary of the Amnesty report. If you want details you will have to read it. Otherwise I do know of some videos that lay it out too.

    Building on a growing body of work, Amnesty International has documented and analysed Israel’s institutionalized and systematic discrimination against Palestinians within the framework of the definition of apartheid under international law. This has aimed to determine whether discriminatory and exclusionary Israeli laws, policies and practices against Palestinians amount to apartheid as a violation of public international law, a serious human rights violation and a crime against humanity. It has done so by firstly determining Israel’s intent to oppress and dominate all Palestinians by establishing its hegemony across Israel and the OPT, including through means of demography, and maximizing resources for the benef i t of its Jewish population at the expense of Palestinians. It has then analysed the laws, policies and practices which have, over time, come to constitute the main tools for establishing and maintaining this system, and which discriminate against and segregate Palestinians in Israel and the OPT today, as well as controlling Palestinian refugees’ right to return. It has conducted this analysis by examining the key components of this system of oppression and domination: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control through the denial of equal nationality and status, restrictions on movement, discriminatory family reunification laws, the use of military rule and restrictions on the right to political participation and popular resistance; dispossession of land and property; and the suppression of Palestinians’ human development and denial of their economic and social rights. Furthermore, it has documented specific inhuman and inhumane acts, serious human rights violations and crimes under international law, committed against the Palestinian population with the intent to maintain this system of oppression and domination.

  • Considering the extent of the Settlements in the west bank, I don’t see how any other option would be realistic. But it absolutely needs a lot of international pressure for it to work, and it would be quite complicated to put into practice.

    The settlements represent land-grabbing, and land-grabbing and peace-making don’t go together, it is one or the other. By its actions, if not always in its rhetoric, Israel has opted for land-grabbing and as we speak Israel is expanding settlements. So, Israel has been systematically destroying the basis for a viable Palestinian state and this is the declared objective of the Likud and Netanyahu who used to pretend to accept a two-state solution. In the lead up to the last election, he said there will be no Palestinian state on his watch. The expansion of settlements and the wall mean that there cannot be a viable Palestinian state with territorial contiguity. The most that the Palestinians can hope for is Bantustans, a series of enclaves surrounded by Israeli settlements and Israeli military bases.

    So a two-state solution is no longer a viable option and that is why I have become a supporter of the one-state solution, a single state with equal rights for all its citizens. Ideologically, I don’t have any problem with a one-state solution. Ideologically, it is very attractive, it is a noble vision of two communities living in harmony in one space with equal rights for all its members. But, I am not naïve enough to think that the one-state solution is a realistic prospect because there is no support for a one-state solution in Israel. And if pushed really hard I think Israel would withdraw to the wall on the West Bank and annex whatever bits it wants of the West Bank. It would annex the main settlement blocks in Ma’ale Adumim, and the whole area around Jerusalem, and it would do so unilaterally rather than have a one-state so I am not in the least bit optimistic that the one-state solution is a viable proposition. But this is where I stand and I blame Israel for eliminating the alternative of a two-state solution.

    - Avi Shlaim 2017

  • I looked at the episode synopsis list. I can’t tell who’s making the podcasts or their credibility. From the look of it doesn’t seem as in-depth as I would expect, I don’t see a mention of settler Colonialism. Maybe it’s a good place to start. But if that’s where you learned (falsely) that Palestinians have been wanting genocide, while also leaving out all the other events I referenced; sorry but I don’t consider it a good source compared to actual Historians that have exhaustively researched all this. Personally, I recommend the work of Ilan Pappe. He uses Israeli sources, Arab sources, official Israeli documentation, and oral history to show a very comprehensive and detailed history of the conflict. The book A History of Two Peoples has a lot of information since the early Zionists settlements in the 1920s. He also has multiple books on audible if you’d prefer to listen than read.

  • If you click the history link you’ll see even more sources about both sides of the conflict. You can look at any of the sources to learn more. If you want a genuine history of the conflict, I suggest you look at the works by new Historians Ilan Pappe, Rashid Khalidi, or Avi Shlaim. Why would I listen to a podcast over the works of actual Historians on the subject.

    Genocide is neither the historical goal, the official goal, the stated goal of the Oct 7th attack, or within the means of Hamas. It’s a bad question. And it ignores the will of Palestinians too, which you can see from the polls I also linked.

  • In the primary? Absolutely. It’s the only way I can demand more from Biden as a representative. These are voters who went out of their way to get up and vote for the democratic primary, just not for Biden. This is a huge way to put pressure on Biden and the DNC. These are committed voters protesting within the democratic party. This is the only way democratic voters can put pressure on Biden to change course.

    The National is very different, we don’t have a choice but to vote for Biden or domestic fascism. I will of course vote for Biden and urge others to as well during the National election. Not a third party or Trump in the National, Biden is the only real option.

    This is the reality of our shitty FPTP democracy.