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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • It’s a bit different because of the stated values though.

    Raspberry pi’s foundation is focused on making computers available broadly, while this new organization is focused on making privacy widely accessible.

    While both can be commercialized, the pi’s foundation has no fundamental problems with selling out privacy or focusing on money to achieve those goals. Proton would have a much harder time arguing that profiting from sale.of private data supports privacy.

    This is relevant because it means even if the remaining shares end up on the stock market, the foundation can use its majority ownership to veto any privacy concerns.

    Time will tell. I could also have missed something

  • A company with a public offering basically cannot refuse a large enough buyout because with a public offering comes a financial responsibility to the shareholders. Public stock is a contract saying give me money and I’ll do my best to make you money back, and it’s very legally binding.

    You can avoid this by never going public, but that also means you basically don’t get big investors for expanding what you can offer. A public offering involves losing some of your rights as owner for cash.

    When the legal goal becomes “money above all else”, it is hard to justify NOT selling all the data and violating the trust of your customers for money, customer loyalty has to be monetizable and also worth more.

    Proton has given a majority share to a nonprofit with a legal requirement to uphold the current values, not make money. This means that the remaining ownership can be sold to whoever, the only way anything gets done is if this foundation agrees. It prevents everything associated with a legal financial responsibility to make money, but still allows the business to do business things and make money, which seems to be proton’s founder’s belief, that the software should be sold to be sustainable.

  • Seems solid.

    It doesn’t change a ton, but the point was basically them putting their money where their mouth is and saying “now we can’t sell out like everything else.”

    If you liked them before, this is great. It means google or whoever literally can’t buy them out, it’s not about the money. If you were iffy already because they’re not FOSS or whatever other reason, this doesn’t change that, either, for better or worse

  • If the security camera has alerts like a decent baby monitor, then I see no need to change.

    If you already intend to have security cameras, being able to have one that works as a baby monitor but is completely integrated into a real security system just seems like the best of both worlds.

    If you currently use the camera to spot check your baby, with no real alert system for issues, then I’d jump straight to a security system that’s capable of that to reduce price over time.

    I had a security camera with a built in mic, a cheaper one, and besides getting some false positives, it worked perfectly until my kid didn’t need one anymore. I got an alert on their app when it detected sound and I opened the camera, it wasn’t straight audio, but all I needed was a notification to check it myself.

  • For me, I’m cool with barebones.

    A player once wanted to persuade a government official to basically not do the paperwork, I asked him how he wanted to do that, and he sat for a minute trying to figure it out. What I ended up doing is just asking him how he’d like it to go, and he ended up saying something like “I want my character to just be suave and say something to make the guy swoon a bit”. Called for a roll, he did alright, so I narrated the scene like I would an NPC and that was a success.

    My player needed the idea, but that doesn’t mean he needed to act out the idea. Without even knowing the idea it’s “I want to roll persuasion. Does a 19 work?” and that’s boring, but he didn’t need to roleplay to succeed, either.

  • Encyclopedia is “general education”, referring to its broad scope. Wikipedia added wiki as a reference to the source, so the best one would be {source}pedia.

    Fedepedia isn’t awful but feels… bland, in my opinion.

    Something like consolidate is a good synonym for it, but consolipedia also doesn’t feel right to me, so if we’re not referring to the federated part, we’d have to refer to the decentralized part. Decentropedia is fairly decent, but I’m fond of Micropedia, because the root word is very common, and I feel it’s catchier than decentropedia. Either of those are good though.

  • True Polymorph is the easiest if we just wanna accrue wealth quickly

    Buy some live feeder mice (a small animal that doesn’t involve killing someone’s pet) and transform them into jewelry. True Polymorph has none of the restrictions of Fabricate, so we can create fine jewelry without skill. Turn a mouse into a gold ring or necklace, with a large gemstone embedded into it. Sell it at a pawn shop. Repeat, use different pawn shops, and use Dominate Person with Modify Memory afterwards if theres some law about needing an ID. The dominated person can use theirs, and then you remove the interaction from their memories.

    Sell fine jewelry made from mice all you want. Use that cash to buy cows or other massive animals, turn them into gold. We don’t have to worry about how to pass the gold off though, the goal was to accumulate wealth. Use Fabricate to make the cow-gold into rough coins, build a secret dragon’s den.

    Of course, if we’re willing to be a little less subtle, True Polymorph is also great for doing some light faith healing, restoring blindness due to injury by transforming them into another person that’s basically identical, or we could make people look like their ideal selves. Not in the bounds of the question though.

  • First off, multiple pieces requires multiple mendings, it’s true. Second, the break doesn’t have to actually divide the object in two, otherwise it couldn’t fix, say, a rip in the sleeve of a shirt, or a hole left from stabbing through a tent wall. So you repair the phone screens. One crack = 1 break.

    You could try to be pedantic and say a dropped phone could arguably have hundreds of little cracks, but the same pedantism applies to any cut in fabric, it’s actually hundreds of individually cut threads. There’s a point where you have to stop lumping tiny things into one “break”, obviously, but that point is when lumping them together creates a break that’s more than a foot across.

    Fixing phone screens should be valid with mending. Of course, phones are more than just screens, so you might need multiple Mendings to fully fix a phone, but you’ll do great at screen repair at a minimum.

  • DC 20 isn’t even hard considering the effect it’s supposed to have.

    Level 7 rogue that just got Evasion has a +3 proficiency and could have 20 dex, so succeeds for ZERO damage on a 12, and never takes full.

    I think the scroll should’ve split between Force and Fire damage. Make the Force damage a CON save for half, because you can’t avoid it, only tank it, and make the fire the dex save.

    Then rogues still get to use Evasion, but it’s not “I anime dodge the comet”.

  • I used a pi 3 to host a Foundry server (TTRPG software).

    I use Docker to simplify things, since I run two instances of it. Simple port forwarding setup within the docker container. the main reason I used a pi instead of my computer is so my players could access their dnd stuff all the time.

    I stopped because I switched ISPs and they won’t let me port-forward. My vpn supports it but the latency isn’t ideal. I host the same thing through a cheap server now.