A 50-something French dude that’s old enough to think blogs are still cool, if not cooler than ever.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • Cardiologist this Saturday, Dentist on Sunday because my dentist likes to work on Sundays while, oddly enough, I have no favorite day to go visit her :p — more seriously, she is real good I’m lucky to be one of her patients.

    Beside that, reading, writing, spend time with my spouse. Maybe watch a DVD and, hopefully, keep on watching an online course at the Collège de France.

    Edit: not much going out and no walking either this WE, like the previous days, since I’ve broken my foot — and I can tell you that not walking is really starting to become frustrating.

  • Sketching, reading, writing, listening to music… not going out for a walk (because of a broken foot) and the, oh so incredibly exciting reinstallation of my Mac on a new and larger thunderbolt SSD.

    Reinstalling macOS has become so slow and such a pain (even more so on an external disc), in comparison with older Mac and compared to reinstalling a Linux system. Luckily, I had a good book to read while I waited for macOS to reinstall itself :p

  • it’s not that uncommon, What you call role reversing is quite normal for many persons and is no reversal at all.

    Just don’t fall for the trap of thinking people need to be this or that, depending their gender. More often than not, people are a mix. Which make them so much more interesting to meet and learn to know. Imho ;)

    My spouse (we’re both 50+ and have been together for 25 years) is assertive and not the romantic kind (if you want to get slapped in the face try offering her flowers) but I am romantic (like, really) and ,yep, I do like flowers (I’m the one buying flowers to decorate our place). It happens I’m also as assertive as she is and we both have or had jobs with lots of responsibilities — ‘had’, because in my case I retired a few years ago from that job and decided to live a much simpler life, whereas my wife still works for a large corporation and still works with a small army of people).

    Then, next to that, there is also the more or less extreme version of… let’s call it ‘gender role reversal’ for lack of a better word whereas one should in reality understand a ‘gender cliché reversal’. Where the supposed ‘male figure’ will be a dominant woman and the ‘feminine one’ will be a weak/gentle/soft male. More often than not, it will err on the side of fetishism eroticism and, that should not be a surprise, there is also a lot of erotica/sex business around that kind of role ‘reversal’ for the obvious reason that it sells. Which means that enough people are into it to make it a profitable business… much more people (male and female) than will dare to admit it ;)

    So, what do you think? Have you seen relationships like this in the wild? Have you known about these dynamics, or are they unfamiliar to you? I’d like to know your thoughts!

    If I could give you an advice iy would be to go meet different kind of people. Imho, it would help you realize men are not just ‘male’ and harsh and women are not just ‘soft’ and romantic.

    Those fantasies not only showed me how wonderful a relationship would feel, but also that I myself would want to be very affectionate and adaptive to my partner’s needs, not just my own.

    Isn’t it what a (working) relationship is supposed to be for both parties in a couple? Be affectionate and attentive to the other’s needs not just one’s own?

    Don’t be afraid of your ‘fantasy’. Imho, don’t be afraid to not call it a fantasy. The moment you try to meet people for who they are and not who you want them to be you will be surprised how… rich (and understanding) some of them can be. Not all of them.

  • If you’re interested, I’d be open to DMing about privacy and security. I would like to learn more about your situation and your threat model and what measures you’ve taken

    Not sure to understand your question, my situation is nothing special. I’m a dude that cares about what I consider a fundamental human right, as essential as is/should be the freedom of expression: privacy. A right I certainly don’t want to see thrown away for a few already very rich people to be able to make even more crazy profit, nor in the name of convenience (including my own) not even for my own ‘security’ or well-being, for that matter.

    Is there anything in what I wrote that made you believe my situation was somewhat special?

    As for the ‘measures’ I have taken. I try to be careful & lucid when I use any app/services/device and I do as much as I possibly can without using them at all, aka offline and the analog or IRL way, which is not that hard for me as I often work much better using analog tools.

    If you have any specific question feel free to PM me, I can’t promise you an answer but at the very least I will let you know I’ve read it and can’t answer it.

  • Like did we forget about the whole “respect other people’s opinions” thing?

    I cant say if we have forgotten it or not, but it sure looks like we don’t want to hear about it very much.

    It’s all turned binary (pun intended): you’re with us or you’re against us, either you’re good or you’re evil (and then, you deserve to be eliminated). Which is as saddening as it is is… stupid.

  • Libb@jlai.lutoPrivacy@lemmy.mlNon toxic mobile privacy community
    1 month ago

    So I am looking for generic communities that focus on mobile privacy that doesn’t have drama or toxicity or “extreme opinions”. Any suggestions?

    the excessive and constant noise a limited number of people is making, their rage when it’s not pure hatred against whatever they don’t like or whoever they don’t agree with, is the main reason why, a Linux user worrying about privacy myself, I decided to stop wasting my time online with any such ‘tech’ communities. It has become almost impossible to have an open and calm discussion on any topic without someone jumping in and barking like some crazy dog — because reasons.

    No matter what their reasons or motivations are to be angry or hateful, I have zero desire to listen to endless rabid barking. There isn’t much to learn in that, at least when you’re not a dog.

    And I have no time for that either: we only have a limited amount of time to live before the game is over and there is no extra life to get, no second chance. I realized that a few years ago and decided I would not waste a second more of my time dealing with those constantly frustrated or hateful people. In tech or elsewhere.

    Tech-wise, I have had much more stimulating and enriching discussions in communities that are not tech (or privacy or security or Linux)-related but communities where tech can still be discussed and debated (including by very competent tech people) just always in a broader discussion that don’t focus on tech itself.

  • 50+ dude, here: there was no show I rushed home for as… I was not allowed to watch TV when I was a child. Heck, we even had not tv up until I was 8, or maybe 9.

    Later, as a teen and after my parents finally got a tv, I would voraciously watch the Twilight Zone (the Rod Serling version, in B&W) but its episodes were aired on week-ends. So I had no real need to rush either ;)

    Nowadays, My spouse and I have quit watching tv since the early 00s, when we realized we were getting tired of spending money while still have to watch ads… all of that for contents we were not really huge fans of. So we don’t have a TV at all, when we watch a disc or something, it’s on a computer screen.