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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • If this game takes me 40 hours to complete at a price point of $70 that’s $1.75 an hour to be entertained. That’s not bad value at all IMO. And seeing how I’ll prob take longer doing side missions and such I see that going to under a dollar an hour. Not a ton you can do on a rainy day that will keep you entertained for less than that.

    It seems to line up with a lot of other open world games for me. I’m not saying this is an amazing value, I just don’t see it as a bad value.

  • Let me try to better explain.

    We start with an absence of information. We don’t know about DRM. We then have new information from an FAQ. Now I’ve not seen them lie about this before so I have no reason not to believe it right now. They could be lying sure, but anything could be. You could be AI, I could be the devs. No one knows anything is true really, we assume and work based on a level of trust. I have no reason to not believe him so I have confidence it won’t have DRM. I don’t “know” it won’t, but based on the information I have I am more likely than not to believe them.

    Now we have additional information, the writer add the “at launch” bit. Now this could mean at launch as in, it will never have it, even from the start. Or it could me they might add it later, it’s a bit ambiguous but either way they just made that part up. Made up, ambiguous statements do not give me confidence one way or the other. It does not impact my perception of the situation at all. Their comment might as well have not existed IMO.

    To work off your scenario of people punching you. I’d venture to guess multiple people get close enough to punch you ever day, but you trust they won’t. But anyone could. You’re operating off trust (which is based on past experience) and confidence. Same thing here. Without built or broken trust I’m neutral there, I only have confidence. Yes, they could be lying, but I don’t have evidence that they would right now, so why worry about it? It would be like walking around worried that everyone is going to punch you.

    What really kinda bothers me is you did the research and found that they do have a basis for trust but still refuse to accept that. Even stating that you may make statements like this in the future without looking things up. Maybe. Why? Why spread mistrust that isn’t based in anything and might actually run counter to the facts, that’s wild to me.

    I agree that you should weigh multiple sources but you held something made up by a random person as a higher standard of truth than the person actually creating the game. It’s logic of that kind that really throws me.

  • No, but I trust what a person says themselves more than another person making assumptions based off what they said. Concerns and guesses are not valid when the person has said No very clearly. Unless your stance is “trust no one about anything” then this seems a little extreme.

    You’re saying your guess has more validity than what they’re saying, and they have a very clear answer. So I’ll ask an equally silly question of you, do you always value your guess over what the sources say?

  • Or they could start monitoring for violent words being said.

    A smoke alarm monitors for an emergency, this is for monitoring people. There is a difference.

    It’s not hard to see how the path of “monitor and report” is sliding into a more police state mindset when it’s been show that the best deterrent is education. And before people say “do both”, no. Stuff like this makes kids see the school as the enemy, someone to work around and try to beat. It destroys any trust.