• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I played a homebrew dark steampunk fantasy campaign years ago where my character used to be a wizard. his backstory was he cast a spell to transform himself into a huge warrior one time as an experiment but when he did, it made him too dumb to remember how to change back. He still thought he was a wizard though, so he would cast “spells” by throwing whatever wasnt bolted down at people. My favorite “spell” he cast was teleport. We were being chased by some thugs in a car and i teleported into their car to stop them by just jumping out of our van and onto the hood of their car. I rolled high so ended up going through the windshield and landing in the back seat where i clonked the driver out.

  • I work for an online business. Its very small but the owner tries to run it like a Fortune500 company. They’re all about SEO and attend all kinds of seminars with words like Synergistic and ‘metrics that mater’ etc. They’ve spent the past month upping all our prices by 30% so we can offer a 20% discount and still make more than normal. Its shitty and I’m not a fan, but this seems to be the norm lately. That, or just offering worse quality in general. Ive avoided black Friday deals for a while now.