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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I was about to say - Biden is at least saying “you need to fucking chill”, Trump literally just said he’d be calling for Israel to “finish the job”.

    That being said, am I tired of having to make this sort of shitty-ass choice every four years? Yes. However, ESPECIALLY this election cycle, we don’t have anyone better on the ticket.

    RFK? He’s basically a mouthpiece for the conspiracy-right, just not quite as loud as Trump. He’s got some decent ideas buried deep under the midden-heap that is his anti-vaccine rambling, but anyone who says that Texas’ whole “we’re gonna fucking kill every immigrant who steps foot on our soil” idea was justified the way he has doesn’t deserve the office, as well as his want to take the US back to what is effectively isolationism.

    Stein is way too comfortable with anti-science positions, almost total opposition to war and military aid, and her opposition to nuclear power is maddening paired with her statements about how every nuclear plant is a bomb waiting to explode.

  • There were plenty of groups and independent actors at Jan 6 who were ready, willing, and able to rock and roll. The Oathkeepers were trying to get weapons into DC before that date, several other groups also tried to have weapons. They brought parts to construct a gallows, and some of these people were wearing plate carriers, carrying zip cuffs, and moving with targets in mind.

    Don’t downplay the fact that plenty of people thought it was absolutely going to be go time for them.

  • If it were one state, or one federal case, sure. Here’s the thing: he’s being prosecuted in multiple states, and in multiple federal courts for multiple different things. Generally, if you were trying to make a “kangaroo court” argument like Navalny had, then why go through all this rigmarole? If the government is so out to get Trump, why let him walk free and campaign and host rallies? Why wait 3 years to get the ball rolling on most of these cases? Why even bother coming up with plausible arguments and presenting them before a jury?

  • Uhhh, he said that NUMEROUS times before his whole “dictator on the first day”, and even then he walked it back AFTER being reminded that “hey, people aren’t quite ready for that”. How about the fact that his world-leader idols are almost all, to a man, dictators or wannabe dictators? Erdogan, Orban, Kim Jong-Un, Putin - this is a dude who said he most idolizes Mussolini and Andrew Jackson. One of his commonly-voiced complaints when he took office was that he couldn’t just unilaterally command that things be done, and according to aides, he had to constantly be reminded that things were illegal or beyond the scope of his office.

    I dunno about you, but this sounds like the hallmarks of a man who would absolutely be a dictator, or close enough to it to not really matter.