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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • All this talk of xenophobia and racism, which I get are indeed often reasons why people do this, but there’s a certain show of lack of respect for the new home country if there’s not even an effort made. If someone is visiting a country, I get there’s an exception, but if someone moves to a country, it shouldn’t be uncalled for to expect at least a minor effort to learn just enough of the new language to transact/survive. That’s something I see a lot as an American, and it frustrates me- Folks who move here and have been here for years, but can’t learn enough to at least sort of transact. I have so much respect (often more for them than natives) for those who learn even a couple words so I can do my job to help them, but then there are folks who I’ve seen for years that still refuse to learn a single word of English, so we play the mime game trying to figure out what they want. If I move to another country, you bet your ass I’m not going to expect them to speak English, and I’ll do what I can to at least learn some words or phrases so I can interact with the populace around me. I feel like that is one of the most significant forms of respect for a new home country that one can show. Not everyone is as nuanced in their outlook and opinions, and a lot of those folks are indeed racist xenophobic.

  • Not being “redone,” instead the character is being “reborn.” The title lays it all out there. And as we all know being born once is no longer enough, and doesn’t create a compelling character, since a true compelling character is actually born twice! /s

    Seriously though, the first season of Netflix daredevil is the best thing marvel tv has ever put out, and now the desire is to change one of the main features that made it work. They’re actively trying to kill marvel as a whole and you can’t convince me otherwise.