• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • All right I tried out the live app, to connect my phone to my desktop. Couldn’t get it to work. Tried the link method both ways, once normal and once animals. Tried the QR code too. All it does is bring me to a “contacts” page, which is essentially the same screen, or to a “new peer” one. Tried looking at the docs but didn’t see what I might be doing wrong there. Do certain plug ins mess it up like ublock origin? Anything else?

  • I’m using Vivaldi (Android), and it looks like I’m not getting the mobile site, but the desktop one. I can access all the content, but the pictures are way too big, and the white cloud in the background makes it impossible to read the text over it because it is white too. If I set Vivaldi to “desktop site” mode, I get the same thing, only without the text word-wrapped. I just want to know if this is malicious or just incompetent.

  • Ok, so first thing out of the way- that model you linked is not made for 3D printing. To get a decent result you’re gonna have to edit it a bit.

    Yeah? That sounds like it’s definitely getting beyond what I can do.

    The big issue is the glowing part.

    I should have clarified, I’d probably be happy enough with just painting it some kind of mottled blue and white. This doesn’t have to look too accurate.

    Do you want to make a lightsaber, or specifically this lightsaber? If you aren’t particularly attached to this one I’d suggest looking for another model. Printables, Thingiverse, and Thangs have 3D models specifically designed for printing.

    Yeah, there’s reasons for this one, but it’s less important that I even make it. Just a thought occurred to me while I was waking up since it was already a 3d model… what if I could print it? Preliminary research suggested I could, then I thought I should consult people who do this sort of thing. So this is all feasibility study, and you’ve provided much useful information in that regard. Thanks!