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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • They changed the lights here so that when one road goes red then it’ll wait 2-3 seconds for the cross traffic. Problem is that everybody knows this so it’s almost a guarantee that someone will run the red light. Usually it’s 3-4 if in busy areas. I’ve seen hundreds of times where our light will go green and still 3 more cars blow through. Which means that light has been red for them for a good 5 seconds. Longer than most yellow lights.

  • A p1p is an entry level printer. It’s just one that’s already assembled instead of someone entering the hobby to buy a cheap printer then get discouraged at having to spend as much or more to bring it up to the same standards if they had just bought a good one to begin with. Your Corvette strawman isn’t even accurate. If I was recommending an X1C or the new $3500 prusia one then it would make more sense. As of right now you’re telling OP to buy a junked car and repair it so it can drive smoothly while learning to drive. Someone new to the hobby probably won’t understand all the settings.

  • If they want ads then fine, however for them to be acceptable there needs to be massive changes to how they are served. First curate them. Ads are a security risk and speaking from experience I can tell you it absolutely does happen even on popular sites. I got a nasty one once on an old XP machine I didn’t really care about once from opening Spotify. So it’s not just shady sites. Even Blizzard had a malware infected ad on their forums years ago.

    Second, stop being so aggressive with them. I don’t need a product ad forcibly shoved down my throat. If they want a banner on the side showing something then fine as long as it’s not a bloated mess of JavaScript or before it was canned, flash. And ads should not be taking up 40% of the page and causing it to load 3 times slower.

    Third, advertisers need to stop harvesting my data for their financial gain. If they’re going to sell my personal life then I deserve the majority of whatever they made off me. But they didn’t ask permission nor do they share so fuck them. I’ll do whatever I can do they get as little from me as they can. Advertisers are leeches and honestly should just be removed all together. I’ve never purchased anything because of an ad and there are several products and companies I refuse to support because their ads were so obnoxious to try and get my attention. If a product is good enough word of mouth will be plenty. It seems like most of the time the more annoying and more often I see it the shittier the product or service being sold is. And if they can waste that much cash on ads then then they should pay employees more instead.