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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Reminds me of Jung’s theory around The Gaze, and how by ourselves we are our own subjects, capable of authoring our own paths, but as soon as another being is introduced and we’re subject to their gaze, their own aspect of being a subject necessarily forces some objectification upon us (and us on them). It’s interesting theory, and a good examination of why some people feel so incredibly uncomfortable with others around.

  • Yeah, a guide will say like, “okay, first go to stormveil. To do that you’ll have to kill Margit. Go more or less north from the start.”

    Between the start and Margit is like, easily 5+ hours first time for a decently experienced player. There are tons of caves and miniature dungeons and other cool things to explore. The individual challenges, you’re more or less doing yourself. Unless you’re watching a video walkthrough. No comment there. Imma let people enjoy their way. Some guides include tips for certain particularly brutal areas, or build ideas of you’re struggling, but those are absolutely not required to play the game, and if anything removes some of the sense of satisfaction from overcoming.

    Then, there are things like the interactive map. Elden ring is a huge open world. Really all of the souls games are open, non-linear, and thoughtfully connected worlds, but elden ring is the only one of call " open world". If you really want to see just how dense the world is, and how little using a general route guide actually ruins for you, I encourage you to take a gander at it before playing. The world is FUCKING HUGE.

    I think one of the coolest things with FS games is, the level of hand holding you get is pretty much what you want to look for. You CAN watch a video walkthrough and follow it step by step, sure. You can read a general route guide to have a bit of bearing. You can just use the interactive map, to uncover things you may not otherwise. And, if you’re so inclined, you can raw dog the Panda Between, just you and your own wits.

  • Don’t tell me what I do and don’t believe. We’re seeing a clear difference between your thought process and mine. I’m willing to have the humility to admit I cannot know what someone else actually believes, and you’re over here claiming to know that it’s somehow a deflection.

    Let me state this in no unclear terms. I believe in objective truths where there are objective proofs. I do not believe in objective truths when there exists subjectivity, or at least relativity. I believe, personally, that morality is both subjective and relative, therefore when it comes to matters of morality, I do not believe in absolute truths.

  • And we’re back to the moral absolutism and posturing. This is getting old. I’m not a vegan. I do not aim to be. If you are, then fine. That’s your call. I see the difference between an absolute hard-line stance of all meat and animal byproducts are wrong, and a stance that aims to reduce use as much as is realistically possible. And you yourself have said that there are scenarios where killing and eating an animal is ok. We’re splitting hairs here trying to figure out which it is.

    We both, as far as I can tell, want better conditions for animals. This is the common ground I was speaking of. I’m just not willing to say that anyone who doesn’t share my specific views is morally bankrupt as you seem to be. There exists a bunch of nuance around the subject that you seem not to want to engage with, as much as you claim I don’t want to.

    Look, you keep not eating meat. That’s great, a wonderful thing to aspire to. Personally. If you come swinging at people in just a normal thread, proclaiming your moral superiority, don’t be surprised when people think you’re a hard ass with no empathy for anything outside your rather small world view. Much like penises, though, things like that are best left in pants unless someone asks specifically.

    I’m done with this, we’ve circled the bases a few times and we’ve ended up going through the same cycles like, 4 times. The thread is getting cumbersome and I am having a hard time physically reading it on my device. Good luck on your quest. If it’s one to change others, I advise a bit less harsh of a stance. And if it’s personal, maybe keep it that way.

  • They would fall into the “mental illness” category above. There’s a reason I used quotes on one lol. I honestly doubt anyone who doesn’t suffer from an actual mental illness believes the world is flat. It’s such a complete departure from any of the things we consistently observe.

    If they do truly believe it, then that’s on them. I would not be able to argue with them in any kind of reasonable capacity because I myself wouldn’t be able to believe they believe what they do. And simultaneously, it wouldn’t matter. They’re free to believe it, that belief isn’t harming anything, and I’ll just keep shooting down their bad points time and again, not for my benefit or theirs, but for anyone who may be looking on, trying to form their own world view.