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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Hexbear thread dunking on this:


    Highlights include

    Funny how we constantly get told we support capitalist Russia, yet they never actually provide evidence for that.

    I’m not surprised tho as lying about communists seems to be second nature to Western bootlickers


    i love how that dude makes an absolutely ridiculous assumption, as i’ve never seen a “tankie” deny that current russia is reactionary as fuck, but since he’s saying Bad Thing about The Tankies everyone just goes “hmm yea those tankies amirite? smh”

    liberals are fucking idiots, they never have any idea of what they’re actually talking about and just throw around concepts and categories with the level of understanding of a monkey playing with a power tool


    “We support the Russian Federation’s opposition to US imperialism. We oppose their reactionary government including the state suppression of lgbtq+ people, minority nationalities and ethnic groups, etc. Using these issues as cudgels for US/NATO imperialism hurts all people in Russia, including oppressed minorities, and undermines the progressive nature of those liberation struggles in that country.”

    “Smdh tankies are pro-russia homophobes”

  • “we observed that, on average, women were more likely than men to work part-time (i.e., fewer than 35 hours per week) because of personal or family obligations.

    Of course, women choose to be the ones who are socially obligated to do unpaid labor for family, and men choose not to have to do unpaid labor for family. /s

    The way our society is structured plays absolutely no factor in this, and no factor in why domestic social reproduction is unpaid(until we get into maids/servants, which doesn’t make it prettier) while non-domestic social reproduction is paid. /s

  • The reality is that the patriarchy also oppresses most men who arent super rich white men (and they still have weird oppressive restrictions placed on them) and in the following case:

    Talk about male SA and everyone looks the other way. Some feminists will even come and dunk on the abused male.

    Liberal feminism and cultural feminism make for shitty reactionary feminism that still enforces rape culture. You can’t replace class analysis that includes analysis of gendered oppression with “men are oppressors and women are oppressed”