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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Don’t know about everyone else, but here are some of mine:

    • Stick to posix compliance shell code, wherever possible
    • Please wrap your variables with { }. Just please.
    • Global variables being exported in all caps
    • Local variables in lower case
    • $() instead of ` `
    • Comment anything complicated, comment what section, comment usage
    • Include usage output if options are not recognized
    • Use case instead of if / elif, where possible
    • 80 characters or less per line, where possible
    • HERE docs in designated section, marked by comment blocks
    • Comment your functions immediately above it’s definition
    • Add comment “#End of function Xyz” at line immediately below a function, with replacing Xyz with name of that function
    • 2 space indentation
    • Multi-line strings: First line open with quote and first line of string, followed by a backslash , subsequent lines properly indented and backslashed. Last line, properly indented and close quoted.
    • Break up multiple piping of commands with |\ and a new line where it makes sense to look nice, assisting readability
    • Echo what the script is doing once in a while if the user will be waiting for a while
    • Please don’t do shar archives, or byte located binary extractions, make a script and a separate tarball - Helps a ton if we have to change it, like say… swapping out a bundled java runtime built for x86_64 with one for aarch64
    • If the script will run for a very long time, check for tmux or screen and also the TMOUT variable… Give a warning to the user their connection might time out before the script is done if they don’t unset TMOUT, and try using tmux or screen to allow the script to continue in the background, even if you do get disconnected
    • Make use of logger
    • I try to organize a script this way: 1. Shebang, 2. Initial variable definitions, 3. Functions, 4. runtime execution code, which might be best outside of a function, and calling functions. 5. Clean-up (remove pid and lock files, tmp files, etc etc.)

  • I got a temporary ban from, I suspect, the only mod in here to have personally blocked me. The mod log accuses me of breaking the rules 1 & 2. Based on the timing, it aligns with my comments in this post. They neither broke the community bulleted rules (about Linux, no misinformation), nor did they break rules of 1 & 2 of lemmy.ml. There was no bigotry, no racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia nor xenophobia. TThere were no individuals disrespected. I seek clarification of how my posts broke the rules, in DM’s please. I am not seeking further ban, just clarification of how those rules cover the opinion that one editor is less than another, lacks necessary features when compared with editors more standard across POSIX compliant systems, and that relying upon its existence could lead to situations where one could be ill equipped for systems where it is not installed, due to it not being such a standard.

    I post this as a comment, as I cannot seem to message the entire group of moderators for this community all together, especially where one appears to be unreachable to me… something I don’t think mods of a community should do or even be capable of if they are to carry out their duties properly.

    I ask the mods (preferably the mod who took the action, since no mod username is in the modlog… that’s a separate issue) to DM me and delete this or message me here, which ever is preferred. Can’t go navigating safely in here if the alleged offense wasn’t clearly communicated and explained how it violated said rules. I’m not even sure which comment, specifically, was at issue. Right now it feels like something I said was just deeply unpopular with one or more mods, and summarily punished and random rules tossed out.

    I’ll delete this in a few days if no mods respond. But clarification without further punishment would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • This post combined with your new post about not being allowed internet access in your bedroom hints at a different story than a narcissistic parent. The fact that you aren’t willing to use the computer in the public spaces in the house and want to sneak access back into your bedroom says your parents fear inappropriate use of the computer, whatever that may be. And if she comes in and is hanging out in your room, it’s not to annoy you, its because she’s scanning everything in the room for signs of stuff they think you shouldn’t be doing or shouldn’t have.

    This isn’t to say you did something to provoke suspicion, some parents are really conservative and just suspect kids are up to trouble. But trying to get a better way to lock the door combined with trying to sneak internet into your room gives off alarm bells to parents.