Absolutely not. Immediately trade that shit in. Uh uh. No. Fuck off. Keep fucking off. Fuck off some more. Fuck off until you’ve circumnavigated the globe then fuck off again.
Not just not but hell no.
Absolutely not. Immediately trade that shit in. Uh uh. No. Fuck off. Keep fucking off. Fuck off some more. Fuck off until you’ve circumnavigated the globe then fuck off again.
Not just not but hell no.
No. Never. Not once in life.
Their yard. Their house. Their shit.
Mind your own business.
If they’re smart enough to cheat they’re smart enough to pass.
Be real now. How much of that stuff do you all really use in your daily lives?
Because the real world doesn’t care about rote memorization as long as the work gets done in my experience.
I don’t play CoD. But im very pro modding.
Glad I never intended to give money to these assholes.
“Not a dating simulator”
Clearly these dorks don’t play Classic. Not back in the day and not now.
I was begrudgingly enjoying it up until the beginning of Chapter 3 when my saves suddenly deleted themselves.
I haven’t been able to start over again. Even on the easiest difficulty I struggled for every millimeter of progression up to that point.
If anyone who reads this is a youtuber.
Make a cockup compilation.
You get spooked and run into a blender anomaly. Stuff like that. YouTube gold.
As long as it can be played solo I’ll be good to go.
I meant in the multi-player. I know the campaign protagonist, Captain Titus, is an Ultrasmurf.
I’m not a fan of multiplayer. But when I try that I hope I csn start as a Salamander.
I watched this yesterday and it looks phenomenal. I can’t wait.
He’s a great dude with a lot of industry insight.
I’m not a fan of multiplayer. At all. But im gonna give this a try.
I hope I can start as a Salamander.
I’m glad to hear that. I enjoyed the first one.
You must commune with the machine spirit.
Tell me. Can you buy food safe microwave safe plastic to print with?
If so. Google the “Fasta Pasta” and tell me of you can print one half the size of a normal one.
I want one. But my microwave is too small. And nobody makes a small one.
Did it get nerfed too? Like the other smithscript weapons? I tried the Spear yesterday at the Church of Ella’s cuz that one soldier of godrick patrolling nearby. Not only is the damage ass with the charged R1. But it has roughly the same throwing arc as a pot. It’s fkin useless.
I thought it might be good for sniping. Baiting out enemies. Nope.
I’m enjoying it very much.
There’s more than one?
Jailbreak it and sideload some WADs.