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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • The problem is that you assume they believed his screeching of unfair treatment because he was being treated unfairly. You assume that now that he’s once again gotten beneficially special treatment, his cries about how unfair those in power are being to him won’t land anymore. For most of his base, though, that just won’t be the case. At this point it’s very easy for him to just lie to his base, and they’ll eat it up.

    “The crooked Biden Crime Family Injustice department is still demanding I pay $175 Million, or else I don’t get to have my fair rights, it’s a scam, it’s blackmail, and it’s unfair, and I won’t pay it on principal. I could pay it, I could pay the bigger one, but I won’t do it because what they’re doing to me is wrong.”

    Sure, anyone with half a brain can fact check that and tear it to pieces, but Trump’s base don’t WANT to fact check him, so they won’t. And even when someone does, it’s still easy for him to justify it to his base.

    “They reduced the bond because they knew they were wrong, they knew what they were doing wasn’t right, but they were trying to save face so they couldn’t get rid of it entirely, so they tried to be just a little less unfair instead of doing the right thing. See even people who hate me and are out to get me know I’m right.”

    Again, utter bullshit that absolutely does not stand up under scrutiny, but the only people who are actually scrutinizing his statements are the people who wouldn’t vote for him, or donate to him, anyway.

  • Honestly nationalizing it would be a bad idea. Once it’s government owned, then the 1st amendment would actually apply and banning people, including the more openly Nazi accounts than you can imagine, would probably be illegal. It would be overrun with even more heinous filth than it houses now.

    It really is best for everyone that Twitter dies, and good news! Under Musk’s incredible zero-win leadership, it looks pretty inevitable!

  • If you just funnel reddit users onto Lemmy, you’re just going to get a shittier version of Reddit. You’ll be selecting for people who are tired of, can’t use, or rejected from reddit, but didn’t make the move on their own. That will result in growth, but at the cost of quality. Specifically reaching out to reddit users sends the message that you just want to be reddit for people who can’t or won’t use reddit anymore.

    Expansion should come naturally. As Lemmy grows and improves, new users will naturally gravitate over, but because it wasn’t some sudden influx of reddit users they’ll be less inclined to just bring Reddit’s culture with them.