Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.

Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.

Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • The only celebrating I do is eating slightly more unhealthy, take the day off work unless it’s going to be a short day, and maybe look to see if any games in my “maybe if it’s on steep sale” list are on sale.

    That’s it.

    I don’t remind people, I dont expect anyone to remember, but it’s nice when they do.

    My excuse for missing people’s birthdays is I DO know the date… I just don’t know what the date today is. Sure I know my sister was born on the 12th, but that doesn’t matter if I think today is the 10th and it’s actually the 15th…

    So if I have that much problem, it wouldn’t be very chill to be upset with others for missing mine.

  • Not even a little. I went out in shorts and a t-shirt for about an hour, exchanged banal pleasantries with family until my anxiety got the better of me and I had to leave, sat in a room with no windows watching old shows and snacking, and am waiting until exhaustion allows me to sleep a couple hours until I go to work on one of the two days remaining on my schedule. After that I might not have any work for months unless I can find something close by that doesn’t make me legitimately contemplate things. I have a broken tooth, some kind of respiratory thing going on, and an unmentionable medical issue that really needs to be seen by a doctor but I can’t afford one and my government insurance was denied because I made a couple thousand more this year than last year.

    On the bright side, my truck is finally working again and assuming the now-slowly-leaking-while-on fuel pump doesn’t catch a spark before I can afford to have it replaced I don’t have to share a car this week. Which is nice.

  • Having owned a couple low end printers, the ender 3 is my favorite budget option.

    I’ve installed a couple upgrades, some of which I 3d printed on the printer itself, but my favorite ones are the borosilicate glass bed with a thermal pad to help spread out the heat quickly, and a dual z axis stepper motor.

    If you’re not into tinkering, I’ve heard good things about Bambu, although I do not know much about them myself. Apparently they’re more user-friendly.

    I enjoy working on my devices, but I would like something with more reliability than “recalibrate everything for every single print” sometimes.

    It really is a hobby where spending just a little bit more will get you a ton of extra features and user experience.

  • Make every company that has a whistleblower die in ANY way face extremely heavy penalties including, but not limited to: 75% taxing on all income for a period of time as part of a fine, jail time for executives, board members, and potentially large shareholders, potential nationalization of the company, etc

    Make every company afraid to have a whistleblower die. Make them want to hire private security and pay for all health expenses to ensure the person lives because the alternative is the company ceases to exist in any way that benefits those in charge.

  • Absolutely can’t stand watching people play video games. They play wrong.

    And the only videos I watch of a game are ones to see what kind of game it is when I don’t know too much beyond word of mouth “this game is great” kind of thing. Sure, you’ve described the game as an action-packed romp with tons of weapons and semi-open world, but the video shows it’s a 2d side scroller with variations of the same 5 pixel “guns” that all shoot the same ball. Not interested.

    Beyond that, I have no interest in watching videos. And if companies started trying to somehow cram even more ads into their games to advertise to people watching a stream then I’m even less in than before

  • Being a first time, or even just smaller developer is a nightmare when you compare it against large companies.

    You basically don’t have a chance if you try to carry your dream yourself, because you lack funding. But getting in bed with larger companies for funding and marketing puts an insane amount of pressure to perform well or go under.

    I can totally understand why so many things were over-promised. I can’t excuse what we got on release, but I do understand why he lied, even in the weeks leading up to release where everyone who plays immediately knows what’s bullshit.

    And to be honest, I would likely do the same in some situations.

    Like the multi-player aspect where supposedly you would be able to see each other in-game. They really thought with the size of the procedural generation it would take a lot longer for people to meet, even if they were trying to meet up. Unfortunately they forgot to take statistics and probability into account. With the large amounts of people playing, two were bound to end up close enough to meet in the finest few days.

    I think they really thought they’d have time to fix it before anyone met.

    You’ll say anything when it’s your future, and the futures of all the people you work with, on the line.

  • The best time to fix your game is before you fucking release it

    The second best time is right now.

    They may have ignored the first half, but when they screwed up they tucked tail and got to work.

    Nobody in their right mind would say they’ve been given a pass for NMS because they have been improving it, especially when you consider the straight up LIES Sean told during interviews. Whether it’s because his expectations were too high for the engine and dev team, incompetence and inflated self-image, or he was trying to build hype for the game knowing they could never fulfill all their promises, it doesn’t matter.

    They improved what they made, but they still haven’t delivered what they promised for months leading up to release.

    It’s a mixed bag. You take the bag with the good.

    NMS is worth playing for the 0 dollars I spent on it, and I could see myself tossing upto $20 for it, but at no point was it worth a full price game IMO.

  • A dramatization, by someone slightly baked:

    "This is my neighbor. I keep him from getting too uppity by basically making it impossible to live here, since because of Me everything is insanely expensive or they literally can’t buy it.

    As anyone who works for me can tell you, it’s not MY fault I’m doing this. It’s because I don’t like the colors of their shirt. Blame the shirt. And everyone take a look at how dumb wearing this shirt makes you look! See what happens when you wear it? You end up like him EVERY TIME! For more proof just look at all these other people who’s shirts I didn’t like and also attempted to kill (allegedly wink wink) and see how poorly they’re doing. I’m such a good neighbor. Just ask my richer neighbor. And ignore anyone inside frantically shaking their head no. Number 1!"

  • People talk about being there “for” someone. Here being there “with” him is more important.

    When I’m depressed, having someone sitting on the couch in my living room scrolling on their phone is infinitely more meaningful to me than someone who is miles away and texting me a lot or offering to help with things. It’s probably part of my neurodivergence but having the person close in proximity while at least sort of paying attention to the room makes me feel less alone than having 10 people trying to check in on me all day.

  • And even if you DO post in small communities, half the time it’s a toss-up as to whether anyone will see it.

    I’m not sure about lemmy, but reddit was roughly 50% US users, so it was a good bet that if you timed posts for “early morning” US browsing or “after work” EU browsing, your post would do well.

    Idk lemmy’s demographic breakdown, but it seems more generalized (imagine that, a diverse fediverse!) around the world, so it’s hard for me to tell when the most users will be active.