I’m sick and tired of the Capitalist religion and all their fanatic believers. The Western right-wing population are the most propagandized and harmful people on Earth.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Amazing. I’ve been ‘staring’ at the sys rq key for 20 years with Linux and many years before with Win/Dos, and never really knew how it worked, for what, or if it was still used for anything - even then.

    Apparently (from light search) sysreq was mostly used in the old days to halt current job and enter a systems menu.

    Anyway, thanks for fixing a long-standing knowledge gap :-)

  • Despite Hollywood movies continuously showing the fan-mazing-ness of Western weapon tech/military and the same demeaning propaganda of ‘the Russian gas-tank nation’, the truth is that Russia alone have won the weapons race - by a huge margin. Add to that China’s / Iran’s drone capabilities and everyone can see that the Western Capitalist nightmare have lost their new worldwar, completely - even before they were 1/3 in. For anyone interested in how bad and archaic Nato/West military is, look up Andrei Martyanov (YT or https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/) or similar military experts…

    OC Disappointing for the Liberals who thought they were masters of the universe and wanted a global war for continued ideological hegemony/dictatorship, but totally fortunate for every sane person on the planet. Bye bye Liberalism…