Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian | Depressed

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 123 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • You and apparently everyone else.

    Zealot Barbarians at higher levels become immune to death to a certain extent. You can knock them down to 0 HP and they can still keep fighting. But at that point you’re at a fairly high level and level 1 spells like sleep should be completely behind you. But the zealot barbarian, despite being partially immune to death at that point, has such a low amount of HP that they’re vulnerable to the sleep spell. While killing a zealot barbarian becomes difficult in that state, you could put them to sleep with a simple level 1 spell. Their rage ends and then they’re dead.

  • Honestly, no. I worked at a call center like 10 years ago but that’s about it. I’m interested in whatever will pay me honestly. I don’t expect to enjoy work, never have. I can pick up anything relatively quickly but I am absolutely and functionally worthless as a human being. I have nothing beyond basic sales/customer service/retail and even that stuff is outdated by nearly a decade. I was homeless for a long time and didn’t get out until a relatively short while ago. Then I was dealing with health issues. Honestly I still am but income support/disability isn’t enough to live off of nevermind fix the problems I have.

    I’m just stuck in a situation where I don’t know what the hell to do, where the hell to go and I’m a 30 odd year old dude with no real work experience or anything useful. This is why I’m so desperate I’m making a random ass lemmy post that is 100% going to end with me rightfully being mocked for being a loser.

  • You’ve done infinitely more damage to yourself than I possibly could have. But sure.

    1. You don’t study forensic psychology or criminal behavior. You have a passing interest in it and are claiming you study it but at most? You have a wikipedia level of understanding. Maybe a Grade D High school understanding.

    2. You have no formal training in this field at all as you have repeatedly misused terminology of the field.

    3. You’re probably a teenager given the insane amount of spelling and grammatical mistakes littered throughout this area.

    4. Hilariously, you do exhibit a surprising amount of narcissistic tendencies. You get angry when people point out your mistakes, you repeatedly lash out in multiple comments instead of one because you’re riding an emotional wave, you repeatedly lie, you try to frame reality in such a way that you can bolster yourself, and you go on extreme emotional attacks when someone refutes you.

    5. You’re not worth my time. Or anyones in this thread. You are just a photocopy. I’ve got better things to do than waste my time on such a low resolution imitation of a troll.


  • Your I guess thing is just a lie. Even in your supposed way of using it, it doesn’t make any sense as a response in that moment.

    And your immediate reaction to pointing out behavior to change to get what you asked for in the post? Hostility.

    You don’t have to worry about me being friends with you. I have standards. People who immediately dismiss everything around them, won’t try anything new, want things to magically happen but don’t want to try working for them? Not people I like spending my time around.

    But here’s a tip. If you want to make friends then I highly recommend stop being so dismissive and non caring to people who actually show interest.