
I’m a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’ve had to cave and use some services (for work reasons) that I’d swore I would never use. No matter how much we value privacy and look for alternative software/services when possible - we still have to eat and pay bills.

    If you are in the same boat and you must use services like that, then my advice would be to keep it strictly business. Keep your personal details and personal social connections to a minimum unless where it would be otherwise beneficial for work purposes.

  • This will continue to happen until acquiring a new, safe battery is easier and cheaper.

    When someone wants to get a new, safe battery for their e-bike and they get told one of the following:

    • a) They are told their battery is special order and might take weeks or even months to arrive.
    • b) They are told their battery is not available anymore or not available in their region.
    • d) It will cost $500-$800+

    they’re almost certainly going to investigate ways of getting their battery sooner and cheaper. Most people don’t even know (or care) how batteries work let alone what a BMS is and why it’s important. They’re not going to know that the battery they bought is fire waiting to happen.

    I’d like to see governments go after distributors of these crappy batteries and also to go after actual e-bike manufacturers for not making proper replacements more easily available. There are so many perfectly functional e-bikes that are just abandoned, scrapped, or landfilled because you can’t get batteries for them anymore. And then there are proprietary battery systems which are another problem entirely.–