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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I like Gavin Newsom but that’s just my external perspective. Beto O’Rourke what happened to him? I liked him too.

    It’s an interesting perspective that a primary would only hurt Biden. In a scenario where he dropped out do you think swing voters and Dems would happily pivot if they had already been presented with a good alternative or do you think they just wouldn’t vote or would vote R?

    Listening to the Super Tuesday interviews with voters last night was nauseating. Comments like “I don’t want to vote for Trump so I’m backing Haley, but if it’s Trump Biden I’m not voting Biden.”

    Or my favourite, “The economy was better under Trump.”

    The economy is a lagging indicator - it turns slowly not on a dime. Do people not understand this? Obama worked to heal the mess left by the recession and Bush, chugged along, Trump elected - inherited the good economy left from the Obama years, Covid happened and messed everything up globally, Biden inherited THAT clusterfuck plus Ukraine plus Israel and it’s just starting to get back on its feet. Now these idiots are going to claim that it magically changes if the Republicans make it into office but that just doesn’t seem to be reality, again from an outside perspective.

    It’s like in Canada - we’ve had our PM for several years now and they’re blaming economic factors on him that he has no control or jurisdiction over.

  • Even if Haley were to drop out and tell her delegates to support Trump, I don’t think the GOP would have issues rallying back to Haley if anything were to happen? Although Republicans also in shambles lately with infighting (Michigan Republican Party drama).

    If Biden has to drop the Dems basically don’t have a campaign.

    I think we’re saying the same thing but I don’t see Haley’s endorsement or lack thereof of the winning nominee as a roadblock for the GOP looping back around to her if they need to pivot quickly.

  • Not American, just a rabid follower of US Politics.

    I think Dems are at a tactical disadvantage having had no one primary Biden. If god forbid anything happens between now and election day they have no one that the public knows well as backup. I watched Kamala Harris speak at Selma on the weekend; I support her as the first woman in her role but I am incredibly skeptical of her ability in any way shape or form to carry a general election.

    Now Republicans have solved that problem by having a clear backup: Nikki Haley. I see there are reports right now that she is dropping out. She is, however, a viable and well-known backup due to her tenacity in staying in the race. If the GOP needed to rally behind a new candidate the cutover to her would be smoother because she has stayed in the spotlight.

  • I would disagree with renting a car.

    Get a JR Pass instead - it lets you ride the bullet train unlimited for a specific period of time. This is a steep discount over buying tickets in the country. You need to get this mailed to your house in the US while you are outside of Japan, before you travel. They mail you a voucher and you bring this and pick up your pass at the airport (Japan is big on physical paperwork). Don’t forget to get an eki ben when you ride - it’s part of the experience.

    The Ghibli Museum may still be closed to tourists so if you want to do that verify before you go. If it is open to tourists again, you also need to buy your tickets to that from outside Japan, have voucher mailed to home, and pick up as well from JR iirc.

    Look into booking TeamLab Borderless (Tokyo) ahead of time, Kabuki is fun, sumo is fun (depending on when you go there may or may not be a basho going on & the city switches), and then just wander around and enjoy temples, sights, and food!!!

    Oh yeah also get a suica card ahead of time and you can install it on your phone to tap in the subway and also pay for snacks at Family Mart if I recall correctly.