• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • I’m not sure why this has anything to do with FOSS per se. Proprietary software can theoretically be used by people the intellectual property owners hate as well.

    I’m guessing you’re thinking about it from a FOSS point of view because FOSS authors tend to be ideologically inclined toward making FOSS and perhaps think they’re selflessly making the world a better place whereas proprietary software is made exclusively for money. (Not that FOSS can’t be made for money.)

    But, speaking for myself, a lot of bad actors just straight up blatantly violate FOSS licenses. I wish it wasn’t that way, but it is. (Maybe the court case SFC v. Visio will make a difference. We’ll have to see.) But it’s not going to do the world any good to deprive the world of your contributions because some assholes will disregard your license.

    I suppose it could theoretically make a difference if you used a license that called certain companies out by name, but a) then again maybe it actually wouldn’t make a difference (they might just blatantly violate the license still) and b) you can’t really anticipate all the companies that are assholes at the time you write the license. If your FOSS software actually has a nontrivial user base, somebody somewhere who you don’t like is going to use your license some day and there really isn’t anything you can do about it.

    But I still see releasing your code under FOSS licenses as a big fuck-you to asshole companies. It subverts the whole capitalist foundation on which they stand. It denies them the full ability to own it.

    And copyleft licenses do that better than so-called “permissive” licenses.

    Be gay, do crime, write FOSS, donate to the SFC.

  • But it does mean that our brains have religious experience as an in-built function (which, as you described, has been needlessly enshrined in religious institutions), which might mean that being able to have these experiences is an important part of being able to survive, or maybe even to thrive, as a human being, which also means as a community.

    And that’s a take that I couldn’t have put as well as you did, and I wholeheartedly agree with.

    I think whatever cognitive faculties separate us from “the animals” (or at least some animals) comes at a cost. Most animals live very in the moment. We’re largely the only creatures that have panic attacks because of some imagined future event, and we worry constantly. The default mode network and the internal monologue let us plan for the future, but also makes us worry for the future, which is definitely maladaptive.

    Religious experiences let us greatly mitigate that by showing us, even if only temporarily (and sometimes people can achieve permanence in this), by suspending the DMN and internal monologue.

  • There’s a western meditation guy named “Daniel Ingram” who I have a certain amount of respect for. He readily answers questions about the risks and benefits of meditation-related things as well as the subjective experience of them. But any time he is asked about the “real world” (like, the metaphysical implications of these experiences), he responds that he’s “a pragmatist” and won’t speculate about the nature of reality or the existence/nonexistence of entities or powers.

    (That said, there is one and only one story he tells that seems to have made him believe certain supernatural claims about the real world. He was “practicing magic” and drew an amber pentagram in the air and someone who hadn’t been present at the time later walked into the room and said “you just drew an amber pentagram in the air right here.” Or at least that’s roughly how he tells the story. And he does seem to believe there’s something to that beyond the natural.)

    I’m not quite the purist he is. I don’t think it’s necessary to straight up refuse to believe anything about the real world or the nature of reality. And I don’t think that there’s nothing that can/should be gleaned about metaphysics from subjective (“religious”) experiences. (My experiences with contemplative practices has definitely changed my mind about some metaphysical things. The nature of conscious and of reality, the existence of capital-G-“God” (though the answer I find most compelling now definitely isn’t “yes” or “no”), etc.)

    But it’s also important to keep it in perspective. Some of these experiences can feel like the most important thing every to happen to anyone. (That’s probably how many/most religions start, honestly. Someone has a mind-blowing experience and tells everybody about it and everybody else grossly misinterprets it because these experiences are ineffable – can’t be put into words – and before you know it you have the crusades and witch burnings and abstinance-only sex ed.) But a contemplative practice, done well, will tell you not to hold too closely to, well, anything really (potentially “except god”). Coming to some belief and holding it as the most important thing ever or basing your whole personality on it is absolutely problematic.

    My advice is to hold any beliefs you come to from a religious experience (and any other beliefs you have for that matter) “loosely”. And I think this is helped by not restricting yourself to one religious system. Borrow from both western and eastern religious traditions. Monotheistic, pantheistic, pagan, etc. Indigenous spiritual practices. Even left-hand-path stuff. The more you do that, the better you drive home to your reptilian brain the point that nobody has a monopoly on religious experience and often those experiences even contradict each other.

    I guess one other thing to mention is that adpting a particular set of religious beliefs can potentially be a boon to one’s contemplative practice. But for the reasons above, it can be dangerous.

  • I think there’s something that always seems to get left out of these conversations and that’s that “when I practice my religion, I feel something that I don’t feel otherwise” is frequently a true statement for the religious.

    I’ve often heard self-described atheists say that, often when conversing/debating with religious folks about why they believe, the conversation comes to a point where the religious person will say “I’ve just had a personal experience” and the atheist, unable to relate to that, really has no way to advance the conversation beyond that.

    Were I opposite some fundamentalist Christian or something in such a situation, my response would be “yeah, me too! That’s totally normal.”

    I think the beligerantly nonreligious either can’t relate to religious experiences or don’t want to admit to having had them for fear of embarassment or maybe rhetorical concessions. And the religious typically haven’t had such experiences outside the context of their religious practices, or if they have they still attribute it to their religious beliefs, and so take it as proof of their beliefs.

    And these religious experiences are very real and very normal. Probably some people are more prone to such experiences than others. But despite how the religious tend to interpret them they have little to no relationship to one’s beliefs. One can have experiences of anatta (“no-self” in Theravada Buddhism) or satori (sudden, typically-temporary, enlightenment in Japanese Zen Buddhism) or recollection (a term from Christian mysticism) or kavana (Jewish mysticism) or whatever without accepting any particular belief system. There are secularized mindfulness and meditation practices that can increase one’s chances and frequency of experiencing these states.

    But, unfortunately, the history of these experiences has been one of large religious organizations claiming and mostly exercising a monopoly on such experiences.

    These experiences feel very deep and profound and can be a very positive (or negative!) thing, even affecting the overall course of one’s life. And they can be kindof addictive in a good way.

    All that to say that I think any conversation about why people believe in religions today is incomplete without taking into account that for many people, their religion is their means of connection with some extremely profound and beautiful experiences. Though people only accept beliefs along with those experiences because they don’t know these experiences aren’t actually exclusive to any one religion or any set of beliefs. And those experiences are 100% real and tangible to them. (Whether they correspond to anything real in consensus reality is a whole other conversation, but the experiences themselves are a normal human phenomenon like orgasm or schadenfreude.)

    Just some followup thoughts:

    • Like I alluded to earlier, meditation can be dangerous. Do your research first and know the risks.
    • There are a ton of good books on these topics. “Stealing Fire” by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal is a good place to start if you’re interested in the science of it or The Science of Enlightenment if you want to get a little deeper into the practice.
    • If you want to know my personal beliefs, my beliefs are that beliefs don’t matter. Personal experience does. “But do you believe god exists?” Honestly it’d take me a good hour or more to give a proper answer to that question. Let’s go with “neither yes nor no” for the short version.
    • Every culture has these experiences. Humans likely have had them since humans have existed.

  • Thank you for bringing more awareness of this. I’m what you might call an “AI skeptic” and don’t really care what happens in the AI space as long as it doesn’t screw up things I care about.

    But I care deeply about FOSS and AI is screwing it up. I don’t want to have to explain why XYZ thing absolutely is not Open Source and that “Open Source” has a specific meaning beyond “you can look at (at least some of) the source code.”

    (Compare it to the term “hacker” that has among at least a lot of muggles taken on the exclusive meaning of committing some kind of fraud with computers. Originally it meant something very different. And it’s unfortunate the world has forgotten the old meaning.)

    Another project that is diluting the term “Open Source” is Grayjay, a video streaming app that is a FUTO project (and FUTO is a Louis Rossman thing.) Rossman has called it Open Source in YouTube videos, but it’s not Open Source. (The license is here and forbids things like “commercial use” (selling the software or derivative works) and removing facilites for paying the FUTO project from derivative works. Which is a lot less restrictive than the license was last time I checked it. Previously it didn’t allow redistribution or derivative works at all. But it’s not Open Source even now.)

  • Is this a “help I answered my boss’ questions truthfully and now I’m worried I may have sunk myself into some trouble” post? If so, you might want to share what you’ve said. (Like, if you said you don’t see yourself there in a year, maybe try speaking less in the hypothetical.)

    If you’re asking for guidance for how to answer questions you anticipate being asked, the way I’d probably answer is:

    • Are you going to leave? I don’t have any plans to leave.
    • What can we do to keep you from leaving? Given my current situation, the main thing(s) I can think of that could make an offer from another company hard to turn down would be _______(higher pay, more vacation, travel benefits, better medical insurance, whatever). I wouldn’t have asked for such from you had you not asked me directly, but if you wanted feedback on what to focus on to be compeditive in the jobs market in this field, that would be my answer.
    • Do you see yourself here in 1 year? I hope to be here in a year, yes. (If you quit within the week, you can say things changed between this question and your resignation.)

    Try to smile, be polite. Chances are the people directly asking the questions of you will find it as awkward as you do. They’re only doing it because they were told to.

    If you’ve already told them things like “I don’t see myself here in a year” (or something lesser like “I dunno” or “it’s hard to predict that far out” or anythjng), don’t sweat it. I really don’t think there’s much you could have said that could actually come back to bite you. “I don’t see myself here in a year” is not the same as “I won’t be working here in a year.” I doubt anything you’ve said could qualify as a resignation.

  • Yeah, if that’s what OP means (though that’s unclear), I’m not sure why OP thinks it’s a bad thing. It’s a good thing.

    Or maybe OP means Firefox crashes more or something. In which case I can only say that hasn’t been my experience.

    My experience has been, however, that Firefox is quite usable on a Raspberry Pi 4 while Chromium is far too resource hungry to be usable on that platform.

  • Doesn’t that require a much higher temperature than most beds would be able to safely achieve.

    I had to take the screen off of a Pixel not terribly long ago to replace the battery. I used a heat gun and I remember it requiring a temperature of like… 240C° or some such? And when I’m printing PLA, my printer bed only gets to 60C°. (Not saying it couldn’t go higher, but 240C° seems way higher than 60C°.)