• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There’s medical tourism so that you can receive comparable care overseas for much cheaper than in the states, and any job you can get online, even at a pay cut, will make your living expenses cheaper in a lot of other countries than continuing to live in the USA where you get zero benefits.

    The USA offers so few benefits to its citizens, especially those more vulnerable, that it makes sense to try your luck elsewhere.

  • I also appreciate a beep, but by te third note it becomes a tune and I want to throw it out the window.

    Or the appliance that just has a flat monotone beep but it has to be like six times cl and you can’t adjust that.

    You should definitely search for your appliance beeping or notification noise adjust or turn off, cuz a lot of them have a factory setting or something where you can hold in the power button for 10 seconds and turn it off or change it or something like that.

  • Crafting, since I’m traveling again

    Huarachas - traveling again, and huarachas are my most comfortable shoes

    Stuff sacks - for cramming bulky items like jackets/sleeping bags into to maximize storage space.

    I really like making stuff, and these items are so useful and so simple to make that I make them whenever I need them

    Oh shirts. Usually the best design only comes in extra large, so I buy the style I like in any size larger than I am, then lay a shirt I know is the right size on top, cut it to size and make a bespoke t-shirt.

  • Undoubtedly.

    One of the main characters has dubbed over his entire lines in post, so for the entire 2 hours of the movie, anytime he talks it sounds insane and fake.

    Most actors deliver their lines with the energy of a faint sigh.

    The “special effects” are live action Batman level. Like a generation behind the first X-Men movie back in 2001 or whatever that was?

    The plot is absurd. There’s no reason for any of what is happening to be happening, and the choices that the characters make over and over are not just horror movie don’t go in that door, they’re straight up nonsensical while not driving forward the plot at all.

    Other than rubbernecking at the train crash this is, which is what I did, there is no redeeming quality to this film. I literally can’t think of a single moment…except when I was sort of convinced that Sydney Sweeney was a young teenager instead of like 30, so that costuming was pretty impressive.

    Oh she’s only 26 though, okay.

    Still, the insignificant trial of making a 26-year old look like someone’s teenage daughter was the most impressive part of this movie, and it is more of a brief curio than an interest.

    The dialogue and general screenwriting is unbelievable, as in not believable. I can’t believe it exists.

    Sony should not have released this movie.

    I’m genuinely baffled as to why they did, unless they needed a couple million back on their investment and are willing to take such a huge critical and commercial loss for that couple million bucks that they can spend on future projects?


  • Infinity pool 2023, very good movie. Super creepy and disturbing and goes way beyond what I thought it was going to. Definitely my favorite me a Goth performance, she finally is using her real British accent, which after watching x and Pearl, seems fake. Movie is great, very creative and original the further along it gets.

    East of Eden 1955, James Dean’s second movie. Really good, lots of great themes and speeches and great actors.

    How to build a time machine 2018 - an interesting BBC doc about time travel and the scientists working today on it, including some dude who built like a Time Crystal? Which is a real thing, or at least a theoretical thing with a prototype that I never heard about that I don’t understand because I wasn’t paying close enough attention. I feel kind of bad about that.

    Barbarella 1968 - real dumb, but the ideas in it are interesting as long as Jane Fonda and everybody was in on the sexploitation joke, which I think they were. Edgar wright is in talks to make a new one with Sydney Sweeney.

    Madame web 2024 - oh NO! This movie is literally unbelievably bad. The acting is terrible, the story is ridiculous, 8,000 hours long… I don’t think I have anything good to say about this movie. It was cinematically shocking like watching a train wreck live.

    Right to try 2021 - Short documentary about a guy trying an experimental AIDS treatment that was not approved by anybody by this scam doctor who got in trouble later. But apparently the treatment worked for a while. Anecdotally? I can’t remember now.

    Sin eater the crimes of Anthony pellicano - interesting doc about a Hollywood fixer who was a total creepy asshole but believes he was like a stand-up guy who just solved problems.