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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Conflating the actions of “left-leaning” politicians and political agents with left-leaning voters is disingenuous. I’m sure those up to their ears in the muck care about what’s happening in the swamp; those of us on dry land only care about what leaves the swamp, not most of what happens in it. I have real-world conversations about politics with people frequently; I have never once heard the laptop come up in these real-world conversations with left-leaning friends and colleagues as anything more than footnote. I’m sure mileage varies, I won’t claim to speak for everyone, but personally I doubt my experience in this regard is uncommon.

  • I have not seen a single actual real left-leaning person who gives even half of a shit about Hunter’s laptop, I think the most I heard about the Steele dossier was basically “we should look into that and see if it’s legitimate or not,” and cloth masks were never supposed to be a COVID killer, just a reasonable step to reduce transmission, much like the masks surgeons wear in surgery, and they remain even today a reasonable step to reduce airborne pathogens.

    Did you just pop in from Bizarro-world?

    edit: To be clear, we on the left do fall for misinformation and are coerced effectively constantly, but you chose terrible cases of this as examples.

  • It’s force of will combined with self-confidence. Sorcerers cast magic using “The Secret,” basically. They believe in themselves hard enough that they manifest power into being. That’s the idea of charisma spell-casting. It’s okay if you think that’s dumb, but that’s the idea at play here.

    edit for an analogy: where a Wizard has a magic book full of spells, the Sorcerer has a glitter-dusted vision board.

    second edit: added links to give context for anyone unfamiliar with relevant terminology

  • In 3.5e one of the strongest builds I’d ever seen was a hummingbird wild shape air-domain caster druid with the natural spell feat (I believe that is what it was called). They’d fly around the battlefield in bird form which gave them such insane AC bonuses as to be basically unhittable, then they’d just cast Call Lightning and Ice Storm and destroy the enemies while remaining untouchable. It was honestly insanely OP

  • They don’t for me, tbh. Part of what was fun about prestige classes for me was that there was multiple ways to get to them. It was something a character, theoretically any character in most cases, could work towards regardless of where they started. Like a Bladesinger may have started as a fighter, a bard, a wizard, or more. It felt like a whole world of character possibilities. Archetypes feel more like a doctor picking their specialty of study, at least to me