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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Yeah after loosing everything multiple times I developed an anti-attachment kind of feeling to things and people.

    It’s a boring just surviving type of life now. I do what I need to to survive but have no intentions of ownership on anything and don’t feel like investing so much time in relationships.

    But almost two years ago I bought my first car (I was 44) and I don’t want to loose it as I love driving around aimlessly, it keeps my mind busy has a great sound for music and I control the climate. (It’s always too cold or hot at work and too cold at home). If it was not for the cost I would spend most of my time driving but I have to preserve the vehicle as long as possible and don’t have much money for maintenance amd gas.

    It’s weird how I could loose almost anything and would not be phased by it. But please let me keep my car, it’s the only reason I wake up to go to work and have some hope for the future. But my insurance got raised by 25% last year apparently because other people are bad drivers (I was told too many claims cost insurers too much but I never made a claim, so cause of too many bad drivers I have to pay for them, fuck them charge them or don’t let them drive why me !) , gas and parts and everything necessary has gone up and if I don’t get a substantial raise I won’t be able to keep up.

  • That’s refreshing from the normal News cycle.

    Thanks for sharing. BBS’s and epic pinball are the reasons for my interest in computer as a kid. I would watch my friend go on BBS’s and play text based game and download ASCII art all day to the point I learned a lot the got my first real computer (386 sx), I had a coco3 as a kid but that was just BASICS with no floppy or tape to load or save programs.

    The 386 was such a new world of possibilities especially with software downloaded from BBS’s, took ages but got lots of kool games and music files (.mod) etc… of course porn for a young teen was also nice lol.

  • Thise are good points, The Reddit reposting bots are annoying since I don’t eant to reply to a bot post and am sure many are like me on that, wich just create barely engaged post’s. The bots can’t reply about what they reposted so it’s useless especially on AITA or what is this thing type posts.

  • Like the checking for messages notification on Android, I use notification reminder app to remind me of missed messages (ring every 5 minutes) and sometimes randomly in the middle of the night Signal creates a notification that says “checking for messages” and it stays there for a while getting my notification remjnder to think there is an unread message and ringing in the middle of the night. I can’t turn off notifications I might need to be waken up for important stuff.