• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I don’t have feedback on the tools, but as an SEO I am going to be honest and say that CSS needs to be tightened up a lot. Your button layout on mobile very difficult to read and discern what’s going on.

    After your explanation here and looking at the page you created, I’m still not entirely sure what you’re trying make and test.

    Are you trying to create a content management tool to make it easy to look up notes for your campaigns? Is this a place to store links? Is it meant to house player sheets?

  • Playing in my 4e group, it’s all pen and paper and minis on a battle map that is drawn on.

    I DM 5th and I use a battle map and minis, some printed mats, and a large books of battle mats (made by Loke). I also use dndbeyond to look up monster stats or quickly search rules and I play music via a Bluetooth lightbulb above our gaming table using Spotify. Finally, I use a laptop with google sheets for tracking initiative (and I kind of keep track of player HPs, AC, and spell saves) and google docs for outlining campaigns and taking notes.

    My players for 5th use dndbeyond and can create characters using my resources I share and they are added to my campaign there so I can quickly review their stats/spells, etc as needed. Other players do it all pen and paper.