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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024

  • alcoholicorn@lemmy.mltoAntiwork@lemmy.mlThat's all it is.
    1 month ago

    just let America fall… right into the hands of Putin?

    lmao you think Russia is capable of invading America? You understand Call of Duty games are fiction right? Modern day Russia can barely take the russian-speaking part of Ukraine, and saw a hostile Ukraine as such an existential threat they went to near total war.

    make their own empires, and directly subvert their governments by installing themselves a literal emperor?

    They go to re-education camps and then get real jobs.

    Or they don’t, historically speaking, it’s up to them.

    And if not, what then - China just takes over the world by default?

    From the french revolution to slavery to segregation to the Russian and Chinese revolutions to apartheid, in every instance the privileged assured everyone else that they would be just as brutal and cruel to them as they were to the oppressed class. They’ve been wrong every time. The indigenous people of the Americas and Africa are not waiting to put you in camps and erase your language or sell your drinking water to richer countries.

  • That said, when I mentioned “keeping the democracies of the Western world functioning”

    Most of those “democracies” are dictatorships of capital who depend on the exploitation of the third world to maintain a standard of living at home, the essence of social democracy. Maintaining them isn’t a good thing.

    I think you are perhaps not listening to the right set of liberals

    I think you are not looking at the history of their actions or reading between the lines. The sales of weapons to western-backed dictatorships for the purpose of putting down restive populations in the event they try to rise up don’t stop when a democrat is in charge.

  • There was a similar use in the 17 and 1800s when conservatives were the upper nobility and liberals were the lower nobility and capitalists (this caused problems when the liberals, who used the working class to carry out their revolution, then turned on the working class when their own aims were achieved, since at that point, the interests of the lower nobility+capitalist classes diverged with the working class, which typically left the liberals unable to defend themselves from the forces of reaction. This happened at least 5 different times.).

    Today though, conservatives are still liberal.

  • China’s HSR has an issue in that it doesn’t go to the city centers, you still have to take a metro or bus to get there.

    I can’t imagine how difficult it’s gonna be getting land for maglev. Shanghai’s maglev was supposed to connect the Hongqiao and Pudong airports, but they got NIMBY’d by property owners who wanted a bigger setback and used FUDD to organize protests.

  • Before watching the video, I was thinking all maglevs were just gagetbahns since there’s little difference in how maglevs are used vs conventional HSR, but 380 mph and 100+ mile long tracks make a qualitative difference as it competes with aircraft after you consider boarding, taxiing, time to get to cruising altitude, etc. This is especially important given how much CO2 per passenger mile small aircraft generate.

    Also if the US can spend trillions on wars, and has a similarly sized economy, I’m sure the Chinese can afford socially beneficial projects like this even if ticket prices never cover operating costs.