
For all your owl related needs!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Lemon does sound like it’d be a lot of sour in addition to the vinegar itself.

    I used powdered ginger and thought fresh grated would be the way to go. I also feel it’d be easier to strain it if the final drink.

    Overall I thought it was good though. I gave some to my girlfriend not telling her what it was and she thought it was some vile beer type thing that went bad. 😆

    I’d absolutely drink it again though. With some tweaks it’d be really good. I am solidly pro switchel.

  • I think I had watched his switchel and shrub videos too!

    I want to say it was Alton Brown where I first learned about these. I’ve made shrub a few times and even had it at the local Pennsylvania German heritage fairs.

    Since I had the stuff on hand, I quick threw some together, just eyeballing the ingredients. It’s pretty darn good!

    Main flavor is obviously molasses, so if you don’t like that, you won’t like switchel. The ginger and vinegar work together very nicely! Both bring a nice zing and brightness to the drink. It contrasts well with the warm and earthy flavor of the molasses.

    I put most of it in the fridge for after work as it’s going to be a super hot day again and I didn’t want a vinegar taste in my mouth overpowering my coffee.

    If you have the stuff, I absolutely recommend it.

  • Yesterday there was another AskLemmy about what was the easiest instrument to learn and I felt like anyone asking that question without already having a clear vision in their head of what they wanted to be playing as far as instruments and music was just going to waste their time and money, but even trying to be very polite I thought it was too negative so I didn’t post it.

    I think people think music will be a fun relaxing hobby, but it’s really like training to be an athlete. You won’t get any good unless it’s something you truly want to do because it’s a ton of work and a good instrument is expensive and I feel you should really start by taking lessons so you didn’t waste time on trial and error figuring out what to learn instead of learning how to do it.

    Craigslist and eBay are full of gear that was barely touched because music is hard. It can be very rewarding, but you will still hate it at times. I tell my teacher all the time that I hate her 3/4 of the time because she constantly challenges me, but by the end of that week, I’ve put in enough time to master the lesson, and then I’m so happy and feel the rest of the time was worth it. It’s like some people love going to the gym and getting those endorphins or runners getting a runners high. Some people live for that, but for others, it’s just hell.

    It sounds like you don’t enjoy the time and money you’ve spent. Just live and learn. Maybe come back to it later in life and see if things change. But don’t force yourself into hating it.

  • I try to put a lot of emphasis on encouraging new posters and commenters. I don’t get why you’d come to the “wild west” of social media to just be solely a lurker. You should want to be an explorer and a settler, forging that new frontier. I won’t hate on the lurkers, they will always be the majority, but why deal with the quirk, less ease of use, and less content to not want to help shape what it becomes?

    I came over intending to lurk, hence my crap username, but what I wanted wasn’t here, but I didnt want to crawl back to Reddit, so I started building, and it’s great. People are friendly, you have less competition for attention, and the userbase is largely supportive of whatever you do because you’re doing something.

    But ultimately, as long as we arent on an extended downswing, we’re doing well. I’ll keep making posts and giving positive feedback, so hopefully it keeps catching new people with the bug to interact.

  • The increase in monthly is just mainly replacing users leaving as the active 6 month seems to be going down the same rate as active monthly is going up. Am I reading that correctly?

    Total users doesn’t concern me too badly, as I’m more happy to see daily post and comment counts going up. I feel activity needs to be our focus rather than headcount. A packed stadium is kinda pointless if nobody is on stage putting on the show! 😁

  • Right?! I saw new Doom on here which I haven’t played, but the lack of people listing Doom 1 and 2 on here is pretty surprising, esp as the Lemmy crowd seems to skew older.

    I took a minute to pick between 1 and 2, but 2 felt bigger and I felt I spent more time with it, at least unmodded.

    Oh shoot, I forgot the original Deus Ex too! I don’t know if I saw that on here anywhere either. Just too much gold for only 10 picks. I was sad I had to bump off American Magee’s Alice as well.

  • I’m a pretty casual gamer, so I’ve pretty much only played the “hits” a few years after they’ve been out.

    These are the ones I remember feeling the most groundbreaking and spending the most time with over the years.

    • Doom 2
    • GTA San Andreas
    • Yakuza 0
    • Last of Us
    • Zelda: Link to the Past
    • Duke Nukem 3D
    • Carmageddon 2
    • Eternal Darkness
    • Red Dead 2
    • Metal Gear

    I got a good laugh out of the other post that is all the Yakuza games, because that’s how I spent a ton of my Covid work from home time playing them on the cheap. They had the fun of the GTA games, but I never like the main characters were bad people, so Yakuza gave me the games I’ve wanted through all the GTA years and then some.

  • I do hope we would do positive things should we gain the ability to talk with animals. I’ve watched a bit about Koko and the other gorillas that learned sign language and it’s very amazing stuff. It seems to get treated as a novelty though.

    I don’t know if we can really even assume what another race would do with us. If they’re millennia ahead of us, they could probably trick us like when somebody pretends to toss something to a dog. We could luck out and be overall more advanced than them ala The Road Not Taken.

    It’s easy to see most any animal as an individual if you spend any time with them, yet we still spend most of our coexistence with them treating them as NPCs. I don’t know what it would take to win us over as a whole, and I guess that thought just makes me a bit sad.

  • As a sci-fi fan, I think there’s an infinite number of great things that could come from it. I mentioned Uplift War, which has humans taking responsibility for raising primates up to be a space faring race and dolphins flying spaceships in water filled suits. The dog race from Fire Upon the Deep learned to communicate, develop Medieval tech, and pass on generational knowledge. Snow Crash has the cybernetic guard dogs. So many cool possibilities exist.

    But I don’t know if our race is ready to deal with another intelligent species able to communicate with us as equals or near equals. If we learn the true feelings of one animal, and they tell us all animals have thoughts and emotions like we do, can we eat any animal after that? And after we develop animal communication, if we learn plants are sentient as well? Again, in Fire Upon the Deep, there was a plant race that existed on a time scale we couldn’t grasp because their lives were so much longer than humans. If we learn eating animals or plants now is about the same as eating your neighbors, what do we do?

    We have people now that will abuse animals. Not everyone of all races values all animals the same. Much of my animal research involves owls, but they’re a bad omen in some parts of the world so people kill them. Some countries really seem to not value dogs. There’s Japan with their whaling. Do these become new international disputes? Do we help or take in animal refugees?

    Who gets to make the determinations about animal “personhood” to determine the new animal rights or how we interact with them. Do we end up with animal embassies? Can an animal press charges against someone abusing them? Can a mouse sue a cat for eating her husband?

    As for if aliens would treat us badly or even have no regard for us whatsoever as if we were ants is one hypothesis for the Fermi Paradox. Life could be hiding from a galactic murderer or most have already been wiped out by them. And again, look at our history of what we’ve done to other groups of humans we’ve come across. We’ve had millenia to do almost whatever to all life on this planet, and not everyone would go along with a change this massive.

    I just look at all going on around the world and it seems we haven’t even learned to deal with our own species properly. I just don’t think we’d be able to handle another just yet.

    Pretty much any aspect of our daily lives or our spirituality would be affected if we had an intellectual peer. It’s fun to think about as a series of hypotheticals, but if it were real, I don’t know how we’d feel about ourselves. I don’t think a lot of species would necessarily be thrilled with us. I wouldn’t want to have to be the first person to speak to a bison on the Great Plains for instance and try to explain why humans did what they did to them.

  • Without more specifics to your scenario, let’s say you’re talking about we make a commutation device for gorillas and cetaceans since they are pretty intelligent, so the most likely to be the first ones we can talk to and understand each other.

    Do we still have dominion over them?

    Can we come into their homes and take things and trash the place? Do we compensate them?

    Do we force our standards of behavior on them? If animals can fight for food and they want to eat your pet and for them might makes right, can a gorilla beat you up and take it? If not, why not?

    If we learn they have feelings, a sense of family, or have beliefs where some plants, animals, places are untouchable, do we abide by that?

    I think we open this door, we will not be ready for it. I feel it will be like if we discovered a resource rich planet full of sentient creatures with the intelligence of 6 year olds. How have humans done in those scenario before when they have come across those weaker than them? Will we have learned anything?

    On a brighter note, if you have not heard of David Brin’s Uplift series of books, you may want to check that out if you’re a reader. I only read The Uplift War, but I enjoyed it.